Woodrise 2023 @PaulBrannenNE will speak on Tuesday, October 17 on the following subject:
➡ European and international examples of the ability of wood to #decarbonise the #builtenvironment and contribute to the achievement of the #zeroemissions objective.
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Woodrise: Paul Brannen, interviendra le mardi 17 octobre sur le sujet suivant :
➡ Exemples européens et internationaux de la capacité du bois…
#decarbonise #BuiltEnvironment #ZeroEmissions
Montréal Botanical Garden’s latest project looks at how different plant species can be used to extract or degrade certain contaminants from soil!
Hear all about this incredible research - 14th February 2023, 13:00 GMT
👉 https://aiph.org/event/green-city-briefings-2022-23/
#NatureBasedSolutions #BuiltEnvironment #Greensolutions #naturepositive #webinar #greencity #parks
#naturebasedsolutions #BuiltEnvironment #greensolutions #naturepositive #webinar #greencity #parks
We defined different types of #SpatialRelationships through and at which an individual can be exposed to the #Environment and features of the #BuiltEnvironment. We capture the likely used environment, both static and dynamic.
#spatialrelationships #environment #BuiltEnvironment
Delighted to share our publication on capturing #EnvironmentalExposure. We proposed a new method for linking the #BuiltEnvironment and #Health #Longitudinal using #GIS!
We measured #EnvironmentalExposure at the #IndividualLevel across various domains including #AirQuality, #RoadTraffic, #Greenness, #Greenspace, #PublicTransport, #FoodEnvrionment, #LandUse, #Walkability, #StreetCentrality/ #SpaceSyntax, #BuiltForm and #IndoorQualities.
#environmentalexposure #BuiltEnvironment #Health #longitudinal #GIS #individuallevel #airquality #roadtraffic #greenness #Greenspace #publictransport #foodenvrionment #landuse #walkability #streetcentrality #SpaceSyntax #builtform #indoorqualities
RT @carboncopy_eco: Goldsmith Street development, built by @NorwichCC, was the UK’s largest social housing estate built to @PassivhausTrust standards – an ultra-low energy approach developed in Germany where it is the norm for new buildings. #BuiltEnvironment
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PaulBrannenNE/status/1605894415876325376
It occurs to me that a "hashtag synonym" feature might be usefully added somewhere. #BuiltEnvironment #UrbanPlanning #UrbanDesign #CityPlanning #CityDesign
#BuiltEnvironment #UrbanPlanning #UrbanDesign #cityplanning #citydesign
RT @Laudes_Fdn: Today is #SolutionsDay at #COP27
"We are in a decade of reckoning for climate action – so will we see a breakthrough in the building sector by 2030?"
@JCDrinkwater, our head of #builtenvironment, looks at how construction avoids a climate catastrophe 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/PaulBrannenNE/status/1593209520058425344
#SolutionsDay #COP27 #BuiltEnvironment
#Introduction I'm a spatial data scientist and part of the #SpaceSyntax Lab at the #Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
I'm interested in quantifying and analysing the built environment to study how space shapes human behaviour. Currently focused on the intersections of the #BuiltEnvironment with #Health and #WellBeing.
I love open-source tools #R, #PostGIS, and #QGIS.
I also organise the online space syntax lab seminars #SSLS, so watch out for announcements!
#Introduction #SpaceSyntax #Bartlett #BuiltEnvironment #Health #wellbeing #r #postgis #qgis #SSLS
Accessibility Canadian-style!
RT @EconomyUrban: You are invited to a special event presented by @TheDanielsCorp in partnership with @Accessnow
Wednesday, June 29, 10:00am - 11:30am
➡️Virtual Registration: https://www.livemeeting.ca/register/?meet=19854&rel=7837
➡️In-Person Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-future-of-smart-city-building-for-everyone-tickets-366855934977
#AccessNow #Accessability #BuiltEnvironment
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/julie4north/status/1541544057201168389
#AccessNow #Accessability #BuiltEnvironment