Ya es septiembre así que ya es el momento de mi crisis anual con qué agenda voy a usar el año que viene
#planners #BulletJournal #bujo #hobonichi
I'm feeling a craving to go back to a #BulletJournal on paper.
The Obsidian version is very practical when it comes to regularly repeating things and trackers and permanent collections, but I miss paper.
I guess I have 2 weeks to decide what I'll do in July.
Good morning!
It is Wednesday!
It's also the last day of May, so if you have end-of-month habits, like setting up the next month in your #BulletJournal or something, today's the day.
About a week into using @obsidian and liking it a lot! But I feel like I’m scratching the surface. Any good tips for noobs?
#pkm #BulletJournal
I kinda like the *idea* of using one of those ~A5 sized ringbook planners as a #BulletJournal, and being able to archive the old pages depending on topic (meaning, archive calendar without collections in between; archive collections sorted by theme, so e.g. all notes for a given project are next to each other)
I really like paper, but at least at the moment digital seems more practical.
I have a grey textmarker.
I think I originally bought it for my #BulletJournal, in particular to mark things in a list of mail orders that had arrived - make them stand out less, but keep them more readable than crossing them out would have been.
I think I switched to just crossing things out after a while, because that way I didn't have to find the textmarker to update the list.
Good to see #BulletJournal acknowledging the possibility of practice turning toxic: https://youtu.be/aLRiNf1hhNU
I'm Silver, She/Her, a mid-twenty-something story-based #IndieGameDev and #DigitalArtist living in the Twilight Zone.
Passions include #VisualNovel #InteractiveFiction #HorrorMovie #AmareGame #IndieGame #VictorianGothic #BulletJournal among others~
#indiegamedev #digitalartist #visualnovel #interactivefiction #horrormovie #amaregame #indiegame #victoriangothic #BulletJournal #introduction
Today I'm cutting and punching some paper for my #discJournal :)
#bujo #BulletJournal #paper
#discjournal #bujo #BulletJournal #paper
@rach Nice!
I've also recently started to use paper again (I have several fountain pens, I need to make use of them more often! 🖋️ )
For longer tasks/projects I still log that digitally into tickets or whatnot, but for daily paper has been the solution for the past months 💜
Ya estamos casi a mediados de enero, pero por fin tengo mi #bulletjournal personal listo para coserlo
I decided which colours to use to mark which topic of collections in my #BulletJournal and wanted to keep those pens separate from the rest to reduce search times. I'm using pens that are the length of new pencils, so most of the tins have are too short. But I did have one that's pretty good.
I bought it when I was still in school, probably back in the nineties.
Sometimes, not throwing stuff out often is practical...
It's an adventure! #2023 #BulletJournal #QuadRuleCompositionBook
#BulletJournal #quadrulecompositionbook
I made myself tiny reward stickers to put in my #BulletJournal that read "I dared!". They are for if I do something that scared me, even though I could have just ignored it.
Today I put the first in, because I asked @skysailor if he'd add The Sleeper's Bride to his story reading.
I've been here a while, but thought it's time for a new #introduction :blobCat:
I post a lot about my fight against the daily chaos, including in my brain. I also post about and boost stuff that interests me, including the topics #nature, #languages, #art, #photography, #fantasy, #rpg and practical #bulletJournal
- Don't be shy about requesting to follow, I don't decline requests much.
- I don't automatically follow back.
- I try to only boost images with alt, or add a description
#introduction #nature #languages #art #photography #fantasy #rpg #BulletJournal
Os voy a enseñar una parte de mi #bulletjournal rolero. Si entendéis mi horrible letra, ahí tenéis un mini spoiler de lo que quiero dirigir. Lo de marzo es #topsecret 🤫.
Da ottobre ho pensionato l'agenda e ho iniziato a fare un #BulletJournal molto spartano e caotico: devo dire che è davvero un toccasana, specie per chi vive e lavora tanto con roba esclusivamente digitale.
Consiglio a tutti di provarlo, tenendosi assolutamente lontano dal perfezionismo e da fisse estetiche: se lo prendete così, o diventa un lavoro oppure vien facile mollarlo dopo una settimana scarsa
Holiswis a todas, todes y todos. Me llamo ✨Noelia✨ aunque mi nick en todo es Xemantica, mis pronombres son she/her(ella).
Soy estudiante de #matematicas y antes hice #magisterio de Primaria
Tengo muchos hobbies:
- 📖Leo fantasía, romántica, comics... #bookstodon
- 📺Me flipa ver series #miraculousladybug , #stevenuniverse , #doctorwho , #gravityfalls , #supernatural ...
- ♦️Los #sims, #stardewvalley ... me flipan los simuladores
- 🎲Juego a #rol con mis amigüis
- 📓Me molan los #BulletJournal
#matematicas #magisterio #bookstodon #miraculousladybug #stevenuniverse #doctorwho #gravityfalls #supernatural #sims #stardewvalley #rol #BulletJournal