@ljwrites I liked his early games produced under the #BullfrogProductions name, such as Theme Park, Syndicate and Populous, but I kinda stopped following his utterings after the failed promises of Black & White, so I have no idea actually about what gross things he might've said since.
Anyone know if there is an open source (re-)implementation of #ThemePark, like there is #openTTD for #TransportTycoon Delux and #openRCT2 for #RollerCoasterTycoon2?
On my brief search I could only find #openTPW, which is for Theme Park's successor, #ThemeParkWorld.
#themepark #openttd #TransportTycoon #openrct2 #RollerCoasterTycoon2 #openTPW #ThemeParkWorld #gaming #games #windowsgaming #BullfrogProductions