US Zio- #Nazis react to the alleged capture of their #fascist scum who went to fight alongside their Ukro- #Nazi ilk — to kill Russians — by minimizing their involvement. Too bad Russians do not buy the 'exceptional' Nazi #bullshit.
#Nazis #fascist #Nazi #Bullshit
"The font that replaces every buzzword by a Comic Sans-styled censorship bar"
Funktioniert aber nicht ganz, #Blockchain wird nicht ersetzt.
#SansBullshitSans #Blockchain #font #Buzzword #marketing #Bullshit
#Thieves, #plunderers, #genocidal, #narcissist, #hypocrite #fascist #MotherFuckers --that is what #UK and #Europe, in general, are all about-- believing themselves entitled to the attention of the world in their #bitches -like bickering.
Fuck all the 'news' regurgitating their so called '#Brexit' #bullshit.
We don't give a fuck about it!
#Thieves #plunderers #genocidal #narcissist #hypocrite #fascist #MotherFuckers #UK #Europe #bitches #Brexit #Bullshit
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (#OPCW) produces #Bullshit report to protect #UK / USAnglo- #Zionists' and their French Poodle from War Crimes committed against the #Syrian Govt during the alleged Douma chemical attack (West's mercenary #terrorists White Helmets' staged). Brave dissenting scientist who participated in on the ground investigation was even denied a visa by rogue lawless #fascist regime #USA as he was to testify before the United Nations Security Council(#UNSC)
#OPCW #Bullshit #UK #Zionists #Syrian #terrorists #fascist #USA #UNSC