Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
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New rule: I refuse to allow people to say "we disagree" when they reject data and evidence.

We are not disagreeing. You are rejecting data. Those are not the same, and if you are communicating with me I will not allow you to conflate the two.

-- Tori Glass

Over 2,300 years ago, Aristotle (384--322 B.C.) wrote Sophistical Refutations, or as I prefer to call it, "Bullshit Arguments Which Must Die", highlighting thirteen specific methods commonly used to twist logic. Well worth studying even today. Or especially.

Spoiler alert: they haven't died yet.

Tori's 'new rule' isn't among these, but has a name: denial.

(The conflation is listed, that is the first, equivocation.)

#denial #rhetoric #sophistry #aristotle #SophisticalRefutations #BullshitArgumentWhichMustDie

Last updated 4 years ago