Ooh, I did manage to get one more bee photo.
So many bees.
So many photos of branches and no bees.
#photography #nature #bee #bees #scotland #Bumblebee
For the last week or so I've regularly walked under a Humming Tree by the river.
High in the branches there are a ton of bees, but no chance of being able to capture them when I just had my phone camera.
To be honest I didn't do spectacularly well with the Proper Camera, but did get this action shot of a fine white fluffy bum.
#photography #nature #bee #bees #scotland #Bumblebee
I do like that I can't be blamed for the low quality jokes when there's a CW.
#Bumblebee #Mumblebee #silly #Joke
Ho sempre adorato il bombo, un insettino cicciottino e pelosetto che svolazza sgraziatamente qua e là. Ora mi sono innamorato anche di un aeroplanino bruttarello e informe ma che vola davvero, lo Starr Bumble Bee. L'ho appena scoperto e gli voglio già bene. 💛
#Volo #Aeronautica #Aeroplano #BumbleBee
#volo #aeronautica #aeroplano #Bumblebee