I often see cars emblazoned with a bright yellow #BumperSticker that says, “New #driver; please be patient” flitting in and out of traffic like veteran #F1 racers. They often tailgate me, flash at me, or honk at me, while I’m driving at an age-appropriate speed on the right lane. I wonder if I should design a sticker of my own that reads as follows:
I’m over 50. I drive under 50. I can’t hear your horn’s sound. So just go around.
Check out my latest release on Zazzle.com
Vegan Bumper Sticker
Just $4.45 !
#Vegan #BumperSticker 🥦🥑🌽
Feel free to edit the text, as long as it fits (what you see is what you get), More items for vegans and vegetarians: www.zazzle.com/aura2000/veggies