Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
495 followers · 3981 posts · Server hessen.social
Jens · @schegge42
32 followers · 385 posts · Server nrw.social

IBAN und BIC Validierung (2)

Im ersten Teil zu der IBAN und BIC Validierung wurden erste Implementierungen vorgestellt um die syntaktische Korrektheit von IBAN und BIC zu prüfen und bei der IBAN zusätzlich die Prüfsumme zu nutzen. In diesem Beitrag sollen zusätzliche landesspezifische Eigenschaften genutzt werden. Ins


#algorithmen #ausdemleben #Bibliotheken #java #web #bankleitzahl #bic #blz #Bundesbank #swift #Validation

Last updated 2 years ago

Ehrlich bis Satirisch · @WonderfulMan
15 followers · 685 posts · Server det.social

Die behauptet das der wäre gestiegen.

Ist bei euch durch die Corona-Pandemie das Vermögen gestiegen, so wie es die Bundesbank behauptet?

#Bundesbank #vermogen #Privaten #haushalte

Last updated 2 years ago

Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
185 followers · 1449 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
176 followers · 1236 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
176 followers · 1225 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
173 followers · 1098 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
147 followers · 767 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
132 followers · 660 posts · Server hessen.social
TheBuggers :mastodon: · @thebuggers
56 followers · 1187 posts · Server mastodon.online

-Vorstand Burkhard rechnet frühestens Ende 2026 mit der Einführung eines digitalen . "Bis zum Ende der Untersuchungsphase im Herbst 2023 wird der -Rat in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem europäischen Gesetzgeber entscheiden, ob die Realisierungsphase für den digitalen Euro eingeleitet werden soll", sagte Balz am Mittwoch bei einer Konferenz in Frankfurt. "Anschließend könnte der digitale Euro eingeführt werden, jedoch meines Erachtens nicht vor Herbst 2026."

#ezb #euro #balz #Bundesbank

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
30 followers · 80 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Ever heard of the Group? Well its an investment fund with all kinds of corrupt and .
One of the companies that operates like a spider in the web when it comes to the intertwining between , defense and big business is the Carlyle Group. This private investment bank, based in Washington DC, has little publicity but plays an important role behind the scenes on Capitol Hill.
The list of individuals associated with the Carlyle Group is impressive: George Sr., James Baker III, former Louis Gerstner, former Prime Minister John Major, former Italian Foreign Minister Roberto Rugiero, former Prime Minister of the Philippines Fidel , former Prime Minister of Thailand Anand Panyarachun and former director Karl Otto Pohl. Their investors include the wealthy such as George Soros, members of the royal family and the Bin Laden family.
All of them involved in
Its a shady hedge fund, with no respect for ,
The fund has a portfolio of 389 Billion $ now, compared to 10 billion in 2004.
Look also at their connection with the Bank for International Settlements, a with diplomatic immunity!!!!! Really strange.

#Carlyle #politicians #businessmen #Royals #politics #bush #ibm #ceo #Ramos #Bundesbank #saudi #corruption #HumanRights #environment #ClimateChange #cop27 #climate #ExtinctionRebellion #bis #bank

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
29 followers · 80 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Ever heard of the Group? Well its an investment fund with all kinds of corrupt and .
One of the companies that operates like a spider in the web when it comes to the intertwining between , defense and big business is the Carlyle Group. This private investment bank, based in Washington DC, has little publicity but plays an important role behind the scenes on Capitol Hill.
The list of individuals with the Carlyle Group is impressive: George Sr., James Baker III, former IBM CEO Louis Gerstner, former Prime Minister John Major, former Italian Foreign Minister Roberto Rugiero, former Prime Minister of the Philippines Fidel , former Prime Minister of Thailand Anand Panyarachun and former director Karl Otto Pohl. Their investors include the wealthy such as George Soros, members of the Saudi royal family and the Bin Laden family. All of them involved in
Its a shady hedge fund, with no respect for ,
The fund has a portfolio of 389 Billion $ now, compared to 10 billion in 2004.
Look also at their connection with the Bank for International Settlements, a with diplomatic immunity!!!!! Really strange.

#Carlyle #politicians #businessmen #Royals #politics #politicinasassociated #bush #Ramos #Bundesbank #corruption #HumanRights #environment #ClimateChange #cop27 #climate #ExtinctionRebellion #bis #bank

Last updated 2 years ago