Planning on traveling to #Chicago (I already have reasons to be there and I was last there briefly in 2009) for the #Socialism2023 conference the first week in September. I look forward to some of the speakings like Robin DG Kelley, and Naomi Klein.
I live right next to a #Burgerville in #Portland (#pdx) that's unionized with the #IWW. May Day was the expiration of their contract and the picket and boycott are back on. I worked for a #union in college (#AFSCME Local 3299 in the #UC system). I'd like to get more involved both in my personal education, my ability to eventually teach #sociology at the community college level.
I have rarely been at socialist events. The last was a Repeal the 8th event in #Dublin. I was once in a socialist organization and I miss aspects of it, though it's more filled with lessons than actual effective organizing.
#DSA #socialism #socialist #conference #labor #Marxism #anarchism #organizing
#chicago #socialism2023 #Burgerville #Portland #pdx #IWW #union #afscme #uc #sociology #dublin #dsa #socialism #socialist #conference #labor #marxism #anarchism #Organizing
#Burgerville Fires #IWW Shop Steward as New Contract Draws Near; Union Vows, “We Will Escalate”