The lab is visiting the #BurkeMuseum again, this time with an eye seaward. The #OlympicPeninsula has yielded many #fossils of #marine #carnivores - #pinnipeds and the enigmatic "oyster #bear" - and we're working to reconstruct the #environments in which they lived.
#BurkeMuseum #OlympicPeninsula #fossils #marine #carnivores #pinnipeds #bear #environments
On the way back to Spokane from an excellent #EvoWIBO, a brief stop at the #BurkeMuseum to gather some invaluable preliminary #data in advance of this summer's #paleoecology-focused #field season.
#evowibo #BurkeMuseum #data #Paleoecology #field
Southern #Africa is one of the most important places in the world for understanding the #Permian, the period that ended with the largest #MassExtinction in #Earth's history. The valleys of the #Luangwa and #Zambezi in #Zambia πΏπ² are particularly rich in Permian fossils, including this #gorgonopsian on display at the #UniversityOfWashington's #BurkeMuseum. These impressive animals are #therapsids, close relatives of mammals and perhaps the first #sabertooths.
#african #fossilfriday #Africa #permian #massextinction #earth #luangwa #zambezi #zambia #gorgonopsian #universityofwashington #BurkeMuseum #therapsids #sabertooths
What we're doing this weekend... π
@GonzagaMEATLab Organized by the amazing Kelsie Abrams! Looking forward to seeing folks at the #BurkeMuseum!
Second on the docket is the #AssociationForMaterialsAndMethodsInPaleaontology conference in #Seattle (at the magnificent new #BurkeMuseum) April 4th-8th.
#associationformaterialsandmethodsinpaleaontology #seattle #BurkeMuseum
The Burke Museum may not be heaven, but to my 12 yo, it's close enough.
#seattle #naturalhistory #BurkeMuseum #science #biology #uw
For #FossilFriday I made a couple phone wallpapers from photos I took and I wanted to share them with you all! #paleontology #fossils #photogaphy #wallpaper #blackandwhitephotograhy #paleoart #BurkeMuseum #sabretooth
#fossilfriday #paleontology #fossils #photogaphy #wallpaper #blackandwhitephotograhy #paleoart #BurkeMuseum #sabretooth
Exciting work happening at the #BurkeMuseum with #UW researchers lifting intact fossil leaves from the rock of the Clarkia Lakebeds in Idaho! Students are using the fossil leaves to count stomatal density, a method for reconstructing ancient CO2 levels.
#BurkeMuseum #UW #fossil #climatechange
Exciting work happening at the #BurkeMuseum with #UW researchers lifting intact fossil leaves from the rock of the Clarkia Lakebeds in Idaho! Students are using the fossil leaves to count stomatal density, a method for reconstructing ancient CO2 levels.
#BurkeMuseum #UW #fossil #climatechange
Because I can't resist a local-#fossil-makes-good story, I feel compelled to post a follow-up to this #FossilAdventCalendar entry. The #PuntledgeRiver #elasmosaur is so well-preserved that casts of its #skeleton are a star of #museum exhibit halls from the #UniversityOfWashington's #BurkeMuseum to #Ottawa's #CanadianMuseumOfNature. Running across it in #museums is always a pleasant surprise, like unexpectedly meeting an old friend.
#fossil #fossiladventcalendar #puntledgeriver #elasmosaur #skeleton #museum #universityofwashington #BurkeMuseum #Ottawa #canadianmuseumofnature #museums
Happy #fossilfriday! Here's a look at some of our #fossil #pollen work being done in the 15.5 million year old Succor Creek flora of Idaho! These pollen types are alder and birch, which are dominant components of the ecosystem after the large pyroclastic flows! The outcrop shows one of ignimbrites from this pyroclastic flow--more than 14 m thick!
#fossil #UW #BurkeMuseum #NSFFunded
Sampling conducted under BLM Permit IDI-39267
#fossilfriday #fossil #pollen #UW #BurkeMuseum #NSFfunded
@AndrewDonkin Then, please, enjoy my favorite ground #sloth, the Sea-Tac Sloth, Megalonyx jeffersoni. The species is common across North America, but this one was found while a new runway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in 1961 and you can see it in my favorite #museum, the #UniversityofWashington #BurkeMuseum!
#sloth #museum #universityofwashington #BurkeMuseum