Musing about the multi-ocular O ꙮ the thought flitted across my mind that a #Unicode #burlesque show would be a lot of fun. And I write it here so that mine isn't the only imagination this idea now lives in.
40 Lines About 40 Drags 1862-1982
#drag #RuPaul #charlesBusch #ladyBunny #dragRace #rupaulsDragRace #doctorOfUnpopularCulture #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansyCraze #movies #classic #film #theater #1930s #1920s #pride #gaypride #lgbt #gay #queerHistory #queer #black #blackHistory #dragQueen #dragKing #newyork #history #thursday #tbt #fbf #throwbackThursday #broadway #news #vaudeville #burlesque #video #lyrics #nails #song #facebook #tikTok #AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees #etsy
#etsy #crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #amanandamouse #TikTok #Facebook #Song #nails #lyrics #Video #Burlesque #vaudeville #News #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #fbf #TBT #thursday #History #NewYork #dragking #dragqueen #blackhistory #black #Queer #queerhistory #gay #LGBT #gaypride #pride #1920s #1930s #theater #Film #classic #Movies #pansycraze #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #doctorofunpopularculture #rupaulsdragrace #dragrace #ladybunny #charlesbusch #rupaul #drag
Bettie and Tempest
#cheesecake #pinup #burlesque #fetish
#fetish #Burlesque #pinup #Cheesecake
as a self-admitted star wars geek even i find this a little weird. also will they be bringing the show on the road.
The Empire Strips Back - Star Wars Burlesque
#broadway #Burlesque #StarWars
Excited to share my upcoming performances — I’ll be joining the Disco Squad YVR for a spanking fun Valentine’s group number on Feb 14 at the Rio, then performing my #yiddish #burlesque at Bad Company’s Bad Romance show on Feb 18 at the Morrissey. The number makes another appearance at History Uncovered at the Beaumont on March 4. Come to one or all three!
Me living my best life 2022. Photos by Tom Gould and Gloss Boudoir #burlesque #FabulousFifties