#AdessoInTv SkyCinema2 #BurnAfterReading commedia esilarante con Brad Pitt versione dummy https://www.desordre.it/desordre/2008/10/burn-after-reading.html
Watched Burn After Reading for the first time. Fantastic film. I love the Coen Brothers' sense of humour.
#movies #film #coenbrothers #BurnAfterReading
I enjoyed #BurnAfterReading so much more than #NoCountryForOldMen.
#BurnAfterReading #NoCountryForOldMen
Hmm, watching John Malkovich in a scene from Burn After Reading makes me wonder how much of a different film The Truman Show would've been if he had the role of Truman, rather than Jim Carrey.
#JohnMalkovich #BurnAfterReading #JimCarrey #TheTrumanShow #films #FilmsFiXatoWatches
#johnmalkovich #BurnAfterReading #jimcarrey #thetrumanshow #films #FilmsFiXatoWatches