A little #pokerwork attempt at a Romano-British horse I did a while back. I think I based this on a brooch in @wiltshiremuseum.
#horse #BurnBabyBurn #mahogany #pokerwork
Fracking Hell! - and how appropriate on ASH Wednesday. At least Qld has some gas reservations in place .#BurnBabyBurn
"On Tuesday, Musk gathered a group of engineers and advisors into a room at Twitter’s headquarters looking for answers. Why are his engagement numbers tanking?"
Because fuck you, that's why
#Musk #Twitter #Twexit #BurnBabyBurn
#BurnBabyBurn #twexit #Twitter #Musk
‘People need to understand that the wood smoke that fills their neighbourhood is as harmful as the air pollution from traffic or industry.’
Tell that to my neighbours.#BurnBabyBurn
In my new build estate several homeowners have had #woodburners installed. All the properties have gas central heating & have been built to latest building regs. One homeowner has COPD. The allotment holders behind us love to torch green waste. The council is toothless. #NorthNorfolk #BurnBabyBurn
#WoodBurners #northnorfolk #BurnBabyBurn
Nearly time to watch people getting dirty. #PotteryThrowdown #RakuWeek #BurnBabyBurn
#BurnBabyBurn #rakuweek #potterythrowdown
I live in a new build estate...all houses insulated to current planning regs, gas heating.
Four of our neighbours have had wood burners installed & buy in their wood from who knows where... the neighbourhood stinks of wood smoke today & the air is full of particulates.
#BurnBabyBurn. 🙄
I don’t think Musk realizes his ‘voice of the people’ vote to allow Trump back on Twitter is just majority of people that want to see the world burn #laughingstock #burnbabyburn #outoftouch
#outoftouch #BurnBabyBurn #laughingstock
I don’t think Musk realizes his ‘voice of the people’ vote to allow Trump back on Twitter is just majority of people that want to see the world burn #laughingstock #burnbabyburn #outoftouch
#outoftouch #BurnBabyBurn #laughingstock
@lilawatt @gabrielbauman If we keep Mr Lorenzi off this server then maybe nothing will burn down again? #BurnBabyBurn