Veggie haggis #recipe: #vegetarian #vegan @vegan #BurnsNight
#recipe #vegetarian #vegan #BurnsNight
26 Jan:
Haggis, neeps and tatties with shallot marmalade
A day late due to travelling, but lovely Burns supper
#food #cooking #fooddiary #BurnsNight
A few lines I composed this evening.
Address to a Tunnocks:
Fair fa' your honest, stripey paper!
Great chieftain o the caramel wafer!
Aboon them a! There is nane greater,
Tae hae wi tay,
The minimum advised for every cratur's
Aroon five a day #BurnsNight
@Emma_Hughes @brianbilston was waiting for someone to mention dry Jan. Survived #BurnsNight only to hear my man pontificate, “I’m not going to preempt anything after the end of this” which felt like the end of Jan just zoomed away into infinity…
Happy #BurnsNight!
If you’re celebrating today, why not have a go at making the traditional Scottish pudding Cranachan, using this recipe from the Royal Kitchens:
had an amazing #BurnsNight celebration tonight. even ate vegetarian #haggis (which was delicious and way better than sheep gut stuffed sheep guts don’t @ me)
happy birthday to the late great scottish bard #RobertBurns #neepsandtatties #whisky #robbieburns #rabbieburns #poetry
#BurnsNight #haggis #RobertBurns #neepsandtatties #whisky #robbieburns #rabbieburns #poetry
Tonight is #BurnsNight, a good time for a virtual trek up Ben Nevis #travel #Scotland
ending my #BurnsNight here with cuddling on the couch while reading out of william mcgonagall's poetic gems to my partner
Tonight is #BurnsNight, a good time for a virtual trek across the Highland moors #travel #Scotland
Tonight is #BurnsNight, a good time for a virtual visit to Glen Nevis #travel #Scotland
#Burnsnight I would definitely do the actor performing here. There’s nothing like a haggis “butt” “skewered” with “fluid” leaking out. Burns must’ve been at Blowbuddies when he composed it.
#Carmichael #Elliot #Farquharson #McDowell #Buchanan #McMillan #Wauchope #Lindsey #Campbell #Burnsnight #haggis Happy Burns Night!
#carmichael #elliot #farquharson #mcdowell #buchanan #mcmillan #wauchope #lindsey #campbell #BurnsNight #haggis
#haggis #burnsnight #whisky Oidhche Burns! ode to an a haggis
For #BurnsNight, here's The Slave's Lament attributed to Burns and likely based on broadside of The Trappan'd Maiden.
I recorded it and put it on my YouTube channel in 2022 for #TradSongTues but I thought I'd share it here tonight 😊
Cheers 🥃
#BurnsNight #RobertBurns #haggis
Address to a Haggis
Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftain o’ the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang ‘s my arm.
Ye Pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!
#haggis #robertburns #BurnsNight
The self-appointed cranachan sous-chef is hinting that she would like a taste test #dogsofmastodon #labradors #BurnsNight
#BurnsNight #labradors #dogsofmastodon
RT As Rabbie Burns once almost said, “The best laid tax avoidance schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley”