just caught 'local hero' on film4. this scene always delights my #anticapitalist heart.
#billForsyth #cinema #scotland #burtLancaster
#BurtLancaster #scotland #cinema #billforsyth #anticapitalist
62 years ago:
The Young Savages (US)
A district attorney investigates the racially charged case of three teenagers accused of the murder of a blind Puerto Rican boy.
#TheYoungSavages #JohnFrankenheimer #BurtLancaster #DinaMerrill #EdwardAndrews #EdaWarren #WomenInFilm #Movies
#theyoungsavages #johnfrankenheimer #BurtLancaster #dinamerrill #edwardandrews #edawarren #womeninfilm #movies
#contrattoperuccidere Qui, gente, parliamo di uno dei capolavori della cinematografia mondiale, uno di quei film che hanno fatto la storia del cinema e che sono stati copiati – e ancora oggi lo sono – per la loro bellezza, il loro ritmo e il loro fascino. Dallo stesso racconto “#thekillers di #ernesthemingway nel 1946 #robertsiodmak dirige #igangsters con #burtlancaster e #avagardner Bel film, ma niente a che vedere con questo... http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=3853 #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film
#contrattoperuccidere #thekillers #ernesthemingway #robertsiodmak #igangsters #BurtLancaster #avagardner #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film
65 years ago:
Run Silent, Run Deep (US)
The captain of a submarine sunk by the Japanese during WWII is finally given a chance to skipper another sub after a year of working a desk job. His singleminded determination for revenge against the destroyer that sunk his previous vessel puts his new crew in unneccessary danger.
#RunSilentRunDeep #RobertWise #ClarkGable #BurtLancaster #JackWarden #UnitedArtists #ClassicMovies
#runsilentrundeep #robertwise #clarkgable #BurtLancaster #jackwarden #unitedartists #classicmovies
📷 #Screenshot | Watching movies for #Queer content—even if it's "just my imagination running away with me"—it's free.
"From Here To Eternity" (1953).
▶️ Male bonding with alcohol featuring #MontgomeryClift and #BurtLancaster. The older First Sargent is trying to shield the young Private from a vengeful Officer whose bullshit Clift won't abide.
So many possibilities in my queer imagination when Lancaster slurs in Clift's direction, "OK, we'll stay together."
#TCMParty #Movies #BurtLancaster #montgomeryclift #Queer #screenshot
Mon défi pour 2023 : #unjourunacteurunfilm ou #unjouruneactriceunfilm Aujourd'hui, un acteur que je n'aime pas, mais qui m'a envoûté dans ce film totalement atypique et beau. Bonne journée les z'amis ! #BurtLancaster
#unjourunacteurunfilm #unjouruneactriceunfilm #BurtLancaster
72 years ago:
Vengeance Valley (US)
A cattle baron takes in an orphaned boy and raises him, causing his own son to resent the boy. As they get older the resentment festers into hatred, and eventually the real son frames his stepbrother for fathering an illegitimate child that is actually his, seeing it as an opportunity to get his hal...
#VengeanceValley #RichardThorpe #BurtLancaster #JoanneDru #JohnIreland #MGM #Western #ClassicFilm #Movies
#vengeancevalley #richardthorpe #BurtLancaster #joannedru #JohnIreland #mgm #western #classicfilm #movies
74 years ago:
Criss Cross (US)
Burt Lancaster plays Steve Thompson, a man who seals his dark fate when he returns to Los Angeles to find his ex-wife Anna Dundee (Yvonne DeCarlo) eager to rekindle their love against all better judgement. She encourages their affair but then quickly marries mobster Slim Dundee (Dan Duryea). To defl...
#CrissCross #BurtLancaster #YvonneDeCarlo #DanDuryea #Universal #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#crisscross #BurtLancaster #yvonnedecarlo #danduryea #universal #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
74 years ago:
Criss Cross (US)
Burt Lancaster plays Steve Thompson, a man who seals his dark fate when he returns to Los Angeles to find his ex-wife Anna Dundee (Yvonne DeCarlo) eager to rekindle their love against all better judgement. She encourages their affair but then quickly marries mobster Slim Dundee (Dan Duryea). To defl...
#CrissCross #BurtLancaster #YvonneDeCarlo #DanDuryea #Universal #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#crisscross #BurtLancaster #yvonnedecarlo #danduryea #universal #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
59 years ago:
Seven Days in May (US)
A U.S. Army colonel alerts the president of a planned military coup against him.
#SevenDaysinMay #JohnFrankenheimer #BurtLancaster #KirkDouglas #AvaGardner #EdmondOBrien #Paramount #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#sevendaysinmay #johnfrankenheimer #BurtLancaster #kirkdouglas #avagardner #edmondobrien #paramount #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Tony Curtis, Gina Lollobrigida e Burt Lancaster in Trapezio (1956) per la regia di Carol Reed
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #CarolReed #TonyCurtis #GinaLollobrigida #BurtLancaster #RobertKrasker #Trapeze
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #carolreed #tonycurtis #GinaLollobrigida #BurtLancaster #robertkrasker #trapeze
Burt Lancaster et Ava Gardner jouent sur la plage pendant le tournage de "The Killers", 1946.
#burtlancaster #avagardner #thekillers #noirfilm #noirmovie #filmnoir #oldhollwoodstars #oldhollywood #oldstars #oldcinema #classichollywoodstars #classichollywoodfilmstars #classichollywood #behindthecamera #behindthescenes #behindthemovie #goldenhollywood #goldenagehollywood #goldenageofhollywood #goldenage #goldenera #goldenstars #1946 #historyinpictures
#BurtLancaster #avagardner #thekillers #noirfilm #noirmovie #filmnoir #oldhollwoodstars #oldhollywood #oldstars #oldcinema #classichollywoodstars #classichollywoodfilmstars #classichollywood #behindthecamera #behindthescenes #behindthemovie #goldenhollywood #goldenagehollywood #GoldenAgeOfHollywood #goldenage #goldenera #goldenstars #historyinpictures
fellow cinefiends, if you're not listening to the projection booth podcast, you're missing out on some exceptional goodness. this week, they spend three hours on bill forsyth's 'local hero'. it includes a sweet & erudite interview with #peterRiegert.
#localHero #burtLancaster #peterCapaldi #podcast #cinema #scotland
#scotland #cinema #Podcast #PeterCapaldi #BurtLancaster #localhero #peterriegert
welcome to avian cinema club. today's film is 'birdman of alcatraz', in which burt 'the babe' lancaster tries to inspire his rehabilitated sparrow to skedaddle with this peppy soliloquy:
'so you fly high, old cock. go out there & bite the stars - for me. find yourself a fat mama & make a family. you hear? beat it.'
(bite the stars. BITE THE STARS! i mean, that's a line, there - & great advice for dreamers.)
#sparrow #BurtLancaster #Birds #Film #cinema
Tony Curtis et Burt Lancaster dans "Le Grand Chantage" (Sweet Smell of Success / Alexander
Mackendrick / 1957)
#BurtLancaster #BOTD
v/ @OrioliAlberto@twitter.com
RT @Antonio79B@twitter.com
"La maggior parte delle persone sembra pensare che io sia il tipo di persona che si rade con una fiamma ossidrica. In realtà sono libraio e preoccupato".
Oggi nel 1994 moriva l'attore e regista #BurtLancaster, vincitore di un premio #Oscar e di 3 David di Donatello.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Antonio79B/status/1582944745189695488
#20ottobre #oscar #BurtLancaster
Il nuovo disordine mondiale / 12: Vittorie perdute*. https://www.carmillaonline.com/2022/04/28/il-nuovo-disordine-mondiale-12-vittorie-perdute/ #TerzaGuerraMondiale #Controinformazione #UrsulaVonDerLeyen #VerticediRamstein #arsenalenucleare #BurtLancaster #UnioneEuropea #BorisJohnson #GranBretagna #Interventi #StatiUniti #Germania #JoeBiden #sanzioni #Zelensky #Berlino #TedPost #Ucraina #Vietnam #Europa #Russia #Taiwan #India #Putin #Cina #Modi #ENI
#eni #modi #cina #putin #india #taiwan #russia #europa #vietnam #ucraina #TedPost #berlino #zelensky #sanzioni #joebiden #germania #statiuniti #interventi #granbretagna #borisjohnson #unioneeuropea #BurtLancaster #arsenalenucleare #VerticediRamstein #ursulavonderleyen #controinformazione #terzaguerramondiale