Short tutorial on using BusPirate for dumping firmware of embedded devices
(credits Ivan Orsolic)
#iot #embedded #reverseengineering #BusPirate
RT @0xor0ne
Short tutorial on using BusPirate for dumping firmware of embedded devices
(credits @ivanorsolic)
#iot #embedded #reverseengineering #BusPirate
Logic Analyser captures SPI Data between #BusPirate and #BME280 ... So cool! 🤩 Now to capture #BL602 + BME280 and compare
Test the Logic Analyser with #BusPirate ... Before connecting to #BL602 and BME280
Contemplating my Life Choices ... Erm whether I should use #BusPirate to sniff the #BL602 SPI Bus 🤔
#BME280 SPI tests OK with #BusPirate
How we test I2C #BME280 with #BusPirate