You are falling into a couple logical traps.
Replacing the religious group in the first sentence with "The #BusinessRoundtable" (assuming you are in the USA) would be one step in the right direction. Next, why focus on skin colour? If the USA gave weapons to East Europe factions and helped to destroy East Europe, then flooded USA with desperate, angry East Europeans, would that be okay?
Because that's part of what's been happening in MiddleEast and SouthAmerica over decades.
The motives are more cynical than you'd think.
Look up the #BusinessRoundtable (that's their name, iwrc). They're an influential motely crew of #corporatists that lobby for exploitative, unrealistic levels of #immigration levels to continue the #exploitation of #workers.
In #Australia we have similar #lobbyGroups. They're the worst kind and celebrate the associated #assetInflation, too.
#BusinessRoundtable #corporatists #immigration #exploitation #workers #australia #lobbyGroups #assetinflation
"Ban #abortion because we need more #consumers and #workers."
Fu$k no.
#healthcare #prochoice #religion #slavery #debtslavery #neofeudalism #controllingWomen #businessCouncil #businessRoundtable #plannedParenthood
#abortion #consumers #workers #healthcare #prochoice #religion #slavery #debtslavery #neofeudalism #controllingWomen #BusinessCouncil #BusinessRoundtable #plannedparenthood
We agree on the premises of 2 and 3 but we doubt the efficacy of 1, given that #workerCoaxing and #workerExpoitation are still rife.
#migrantExploitation #wageSlavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #businessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #propertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanFrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtSlavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
#workerCoaxing #workerExpoitation #migrantExploitation #wageslavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #BusinessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #PropertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanfrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtslavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
The US are a global disgrace. With #healthcareCosts and #infrastructureDebt through the roof, #infantMortality rising and #lifeExpectancy declining, one would expect some thought to begin entering policy - but the #ChristianRight strike again.
The planet is experiencing a #population and #consumption crisis and yet all the #BusinessRoundtable care about is adding more consumers.
#ThirdWorld growth levels for an aggressive and soon-to-be Third World country.
#healthcareCosts #infrastructureDebt #infantMortality #lifeexpectancy #ChristianRight #population #consumption #BusinessRoundtable #ThirdWorld
A geniune left will always question irresponsible #immigration levels because they know it causes #wageSuppression and only serves the top 1%.
That's why you will always see the #BusinessRoundtable (The [Seedy] #BusinessCouncil and #PropertyCouncil in #Australia) relentlessly resisting sensible #immigration levels and releasing constant #propaganda daily in #Murdoch rags.
They don't do it to be warm and fuzzy - its about #workerExploitation, #moreCustomers, #higherRents and #speculativeGains.
#immigration #wageSuppression #BusinessRoundtable #BusinessCouncil #PropertyCouncil #australia #propaganda #Murdoch #workerExploitation #moreCustomers #higherRents #speculativeGains