George Euslace said: “It came predominantly from Theresa May. It was a remainer’s interpretation of what Brexit was about. That was not what Brexit was about. People wanted controlled immigration and not to pull up the drawbridge and allow no one in at all.”
Pity he didn't say so at the time. A bit 'horse has bolted' now.
At the time a number of us were saying that the Maybot #Brexit was harder than the one being discussed but the likes of Euslace voted for it anyway.
#buyersRemorse ?
I'm glad you brought up potential #BuyersRemorse as causing people to hesitate to purchase.
That's such a big factor keeping Americans from buying EVs, PVs, heat pumps, and other clean technology that would help them decarbonize too.
When ignorance is bliss
'Tis folly to open a can of worms by holding a referendum. #Brexit
#actinhasteregretatleisure #BuyersRemorse
#brexit #actinhasteregretatleisure #BuyersRemorse
Ordered a 3-pack of the #GingerSnaps #film trilogy, despite already having the two sequels in my collection. For some reason, I didn't have the first #movie. 3-pack was $29 🇨🇦 and buying the first film by itself would have been the same price or more. I'm trying to rationalize buying two movies I already own, and fighting off #BuyersRemorse. I did make this purchase late at night while in bed. Not the best time to make shopping decisions. Anyhoo, I'm rambling. Blame that on my current #migraine.
#migraine #BuyersRemorse #movie #film #gingersnaps
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.
With any luck he's on the hook for a lot more than $1B.
#schadenfreude #BuyersRemorse #Twitter #ElonMusk