The region was influenced by a number of different empires and civilizations, including the , the , and the 🇹🇷.


#romania #facts #randomfact #ottomanempire #ByzantineEmpire #romanempire

Last updated 1 year ago

PC · @PChoate
350 followers · 2619 posts · Server

A little as background during the riots: (edited from )

Did you know that 1200 years ago as fell, the world was nearly conquered by the World?

The Carolingian Empire (800–888) was a large -dominated empire in western and central Europe during the .

In , the king was crowned emperor in Rome by in an effort to transfer the from the to western Europe.

#ByzantineEmpire #romanempire #popeleoiii #charlemagne #ad800 #earlymiddleages #frankish #islam #christian #rome #wikipedia #Frenchhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

The region was influenced by a number of different empires and civilizations, including the , the , and the 🇹🇷.


#romania #facts #randomfact #ottomanempire #ByzantineEmpire #romanempire

Last updated 1 year ago

The region was influenced by a number of different empires and civilizations, including the , the , and the 🇹🇷.


#romania #facts #randomfact #ottomanempire #ByzantineEmpire #romanempire

Last updated 1 year ago The region was influenced by a number of different empires and civilizations, including the , the , and the 🇹🇷.


#romania #facts #randomfact #ottomanempire #ByzantineEmpire #romanempire

Last updated 1 year ago

· @NaturalNews
5593 followers · 25339 posts · Server