Behind the doors of the guesthouse in Temair Luachra, the royal castle of the Érainn, a nasty surprise awaited the warriors of . chose the largest guest house. He did not know that this one was built of iron and only covered with wood.
Late in the evening the doors were barred from the outside. With 7 iron chains the doors and walls of the iron house in Temair Luachra were secured. In the vault under the house now 3x50 blacksmiths brought the fire to blaze. The heroic warriors of were to be burned.
How did the warriors of escape being burned behind the doors of the guest house in Temair Luachra? Together, the men tipped a wall outward, slaying 300 Érainn. CĂșchulainn, goaded by King of , went into a fighting frenzy and put the attackers from to flight.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#ulster #CĂșchulainn #Ailill #Connaught #munster #irland #ironage #hillfort

Last updated 2 years ago

: The hero had made a raid into the . Afterwards his companion CĂș RoĂ­ stole from him everything. To make matters worse, CĂș RoĂ­ buried CĂșChulainn in sand and shaved off his hair, subjecting him to humiliation by all


cu roi macdaire lives at caherconree in kerry mountains. he's the only one to beat cuchulainn

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #irish #CĂșchulainn #otherworld #cattleraidofcooley

Last updated 2 years ago

: I would like to change the Tain BĂł Cuailgne! would still have to kill his foster brother to preserve his honour as a warrior. But by the end of the cattle raid, Ferdiad would be almost fully recovered thanks to superior healing skills.
Meet Airmed, the Irish Goddess of healing (mainly herbal). She belongs to the enclave of healers, within the Thuata the Danaan, along with her brother (Miach, god of surgery),and her father Diancecht (god of medecine and magical healing).

#celtic #mythologymonday #CĂșchulainn #druidic

Last updated 2 years ago

Was Bricriu Nemhthenga a villain or just a bitter-tongued poet? Bricriu is said to have been killed near the lake that bears his name, Loughbrickland, where he made a slighting remark about the sexual appetite of queen and was brained by her lover Fergus mac RĂłich.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
Bricriu incited 3 heroes , Conall Cernach & LĂłegaire BĂșadach, to compete for the champion's portion at his feast. In every test that is set CĂș Chulainn comes out top but neither Conall nor LĂłegaire will accept the result! Red the beheading story!

#ulster #Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore #CĂșchulainn #folklorethursday

Last updated 2 years ago

Bricriu Nemhthenga made a slighting remark about the sexual appetite of queen and was brained by her lover Fergus mac RĂłich.
A villain or just a poet with a poisonous tongue?
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
Bricriu incited 3 heroes , Conall Cernach & LĂłegaire BĂșadach, to compete for the champion's portion at his feast. In every test that is set CĂș Chulainn comes out top but neither Conall nor LĂłegaire will accept the result! Red the beheading story!

#Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore #CĂșchulainn #folklorethursday

Last updated 2 years ago

: hero was originally called Setanta, but got the name CĂșChulainn after the seven-year-old killed the hound („CĂș“) of the smith Culann. In the tails he is said to have had a fierce temper and was a mighty warrior. In one story it is described that three vats of ice cold water were required to cool down his temperature.

#folklorethursday #celtic #CĂșchulainn

Last updated 2 years ago

for : , goaded by King of , went into a fighting frenzy when he was locked up behind the doors of the guest house in Temair Luachra. After three unsuccessful attempts of the attackers from , he put them to flight.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#Caherconree #celtic #HillfortsWednesday #CĂșchulainn #Ailill #Connaught #munster #irland #ironage #hillfort

Last updated 2 years ago

Besides DĂșn Scaith on the a second one appears on the Isle of Man as a portal through which ’s warriors invaded the to gain possession of its magical cauldron of abundance.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
Nua- at DĂșn ScĂĄith on the : was reputed to train only those young warriors already skilled and brave enough to penetrate the many defences of her fortress and gain access. 
ScĂĄthach appears in the Irish legends because one of those who

#isleofskye #CĂșchulainn #celtic #otherworld #mythology #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #ScĂĄthach

Last updated 2 years ago

stood at the ford that ultimately bore Ferdiad’s name (now Ardee, Co. Louth), gaining glory and wreaking havoc, killing one warrior after another in single combat. Finally Medb promised her fair daughter Finnabair to Ferdiad if he would fight, and he reluctantly agreed. For three days the well-matched pair fought, neither gaining the upper hand. But at last, CĂșchulainn used his magical spear, GÁE BULGA, to kill his foster brother, although to win in such circumstances caused him great sorrow.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
CuChulainn and Ferdiad were foster brothers and best friends, whose bound could not be broken by political strife. Yet when they fought CuChulainn could not break Ferdiad's impenetrable skin: so he tried his anus, killing him.

đŸ–Œ: S. Reid

#CĂșchulainn #celtic #mythology #folklore #mythologymonday

Last updated 2 years ago

: The hero FrĂĄech was the son of the goddess BĂ©binn and thus was half-divine. His appearance was entirely divine, for he was the most handsome man in . Facing the greatest of Irish heroes, , at a ford in the River Dee during the Cattle Raid on , FrĂĄech lost his life in combat, and his lover Finnabair died of grief.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

#celtic #mythologymonday #irish #ireland #CĂșchulainn #ulster #mythology #folklore

Last updated 2 years ago

It is so sad! Duties forced father and son into a duel to the death. had to defend his land against any intruder. But then again his son Connla was determined to keep his father's gessa: not to make himself known, never to turn out of the way for any man, nor ever to refuse a combat.
Cuchulainn dutifully defended his home against the invader who would not identify himself. So, Cuchulainn challenged him and then slew him: he soon found it was only a boy, and he wore the ring Cuchulainn gave to Aoife to identify their son: this was Connla.

#CĂșchulainn #mythologymonday

Last updated 2 years ago

 : The famous GĂĄe Bulga (Bolga, Bolg) was given to by his teacher, the warrior woman . The GĂĄe Bulga seems to have been a spear or javelin (gĂĄe) that could slice through flesh, thus giving its bearer an immense advantage in battle. CĂșchulainn used it to kill the two men most dear to him: his son Connla and his foster brother Ferdiad.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
Nua- at DĂșn ScĂĄith on the : was reputed to train only those young warriors already skilled and brave enough to penetrate the many defences of her fortress and gain access.

#mythology #CĂșchulainn #ScĂĄthach #celtic #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #isleofskye

Last updated 2 years ago

The (Morrigan, the Morrigan, MĂłrrĂ­gna, MĂłrrigu, MĂłr-RĂ­oghain) is one of a group of gloomy war goddesses. Despite, or perhaps because of, her connection with war, MĂłrrĂ­gan is also depicted as having an immense sexual appetite. In one memorable myth, she had intercourse with the father god, the Dagda, who came upon her while she was straddling a river and, overwhelmed by her massive charms, fell upon her lustfully. In another tale, she so desired the great hero that she ambushed him, but when he rejected her, she turned upon him in fury and was injured in their fight.

The meaning of Morrígán’s name is disputed, with some saying that it means “phantom queen” and others “death queen,” while still others derive it from a presumed early Indo- European goddess Rigatona, “great queen.”

Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of Celtic and `


In folklore & legend crows & ravens are often regarded as harbingers of doom, but they can also be the means of divination & prophecy bearing messages from the gods. The Celtic goddess Morrigan often appears in the form of these ambiguous birds.
🎹Jessica Galbreth

#MĂłrrĂ­gan #irish #CĂșchulainn #mythology #folklore #WyrdWednesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Nua- at DĂșn ScĂĄith on the : In the different moral values apparently applied. As part of his training  helped overcome a neighbouring female chieftain, AĂ­fe or Aoife (who by some accounts was also ScĂĄthach's sister),

#CelticSoulJourney #isleofskye #ironage #CĂșchulainn #ScĂĄthach

Last updated 2 years ago

: From the corners of `s battle helmet resounded the voice of a hundred men, as at his attack the , the and the Glinne roared.
Source: Rudolf Thurneysen `Die Helden- und Königsage bis zum 17. Jahrhundert`

#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #CĂșchulainn #BĂĄnĂĄnaig #BoccĂĄnaig #Geniti #irische

Last updated 2 years ago

underwent perfection training in weaponry with the famous warrioress in . Despite a promise of chastity to his bride , impregnated 's sister there. From this sprang . When the latter had grown into a "little naughty boy", had to kill him to preserve his honor. A prohibition forbade the greatest hero of not only to refuse the duel, but also to be represented by another warrior.
Source: F. Le Roux/C.-J. Guyoncarc'h `Die `

#CĂșchulainn #ScĂĄthach #scotland #Emer #Aoife #Conla #ulster #Druiden

Last updated 3 years ago

: and were a childless couple. Since Emer`s father, Manach, wanted to prevent the union of the two, he secretly initiated to undergo perfection training in weaponry with the famous warrior in . The Lord of Luglochta Logo hoped the rigors would overwhelm the hero of and he would be killed. Despite a promise of chastity to , impregnated 's sister there.
Possibly and would not have remained childless if in their wedding night the king of had not exercised his "right of the first night". While mac Nessa feared # CĂșChulain`s reaction, he would have lost his authority if he had renounced his privilege. To preserve 's virginity, shared the bed with 's wife on her wedding night, but the slept between them.

#celtic #mythology #cuchulainn #Emer #Forgall #CĂșchulainn #ScĂĄthach #scotland #ulster #Aoife #Conchobar #druid #Cathbad

Last updated 3 years ago

: Behind the doors of the guesthouse in Temair Luachra, the royal castle of the Érainn, a nasty surprise awaited the warriors of . chose the largest guest house. He did not know that this one was built of iron and only covered with wood.
Late in the evening the doors were barred from the outside. With 7 iron chains the doors and walls of the iron house in Temair Luachra were secured. In the vault under the house now 3x50 blacksmiths brought the fire to blaze. The heroic warriors of were to be burned.

How did the warriors of escape being burned behind the doors of the guest house in Temair Luachra? Together, the men tipped a wall outward, slaying 300 Érainn. CĂșchulainn, goaded by King of , went into a fighting frenzy and put the attackers from to flight.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#FaustianFriday #ulster #CĂșchulainn #Ailill #Connaught #munster #irland #ironage #hillfort

Last updated 3 years ago