As reported on by Louis Rossman, #YouTube is now pushing the same #payola scam that #Amazon #Kindle did.
EEVBlog actually bought into this as an experiment and his video did WORSE than projected without ads
I think I have an idea as to why. Do you remember how Canada Bill #C11 was going to screw over Canadian creators by having their videos served to people who don't want them? I think buying YouTube ads for your own video does the same thing.
#youtube #payola #amazon #kindle #C11
RT @Mark_Goldberg
Was last week's statement by the #CRTC Chair premature, prejudicing what should be an evidence-based determination by the Commission?
Premature exclamation • Telecom Trends
#C11 #CRTC @CdnHeritage
For what it's worth...
Broadcasting licenses were originally needed because the available EM spectrum is a finite resource (well, the useful part of it, anyways -- you wanna send Rick Astley out via cosmic rays, go ahead).
As a limited resource, I believe it was reasonable to require license holders to broadcast some Canadian content. Otherwise, CanCon could simply be priced right out of its own domestic market.
#cancon #canadiancontent #broadcasting #C11 #canada
This post is supportive of Bill C-11 but the examples demonstrate the problems. Do we really want the CRTC parsing through user content feeds to decide the kind of content people get: a bit more French music, hands off home renovation videos, etc?
RT @howardalaw
The never ending ambiguity of the Online Streaming Act #C11. What the #CRTC might do about discoverability.…
Adoption du projet de loi C-11 : Le milieu culturel se réjouit, mais restera aux aguets
Bill C-11 passed, which I think is probably a good thing. I'd like to see more uniquely Canadian content online, and the fact that conservatives, digital libertarians, AND YouTube, etc, don't like this is a good sign. #c11 #canada
#C11 - HoC debating closure motion on the bill - apparently passing the bill quickly is more important than getting it right
##釧路駅 #C11 #C11171 #C11171号機 #DE10-1690 #JNRClassC11 #JR北海道 #SL #SL冬の湿原号 #キハ54 #久著呂踏切 #五十石大橋 #北海道 #回送 #塘路駅 #撮り鉄 #標茶ツアー #標茶駅 #細岡俯瞰 #絶気運転 #補機 #補機付き #重連 #釧網本線 #釧網線 #釧路川橋梁 #釧路湿原 #釧路運輸車両所 #鉄道
#釧路駅 #C11 #c11171 #c11171号機 #de10 #jnrclassc11 #jr北海道 #sl #sl冬の湿原号 #キハ54 #久著呂踏切 #五十石大橋 #北海道 #回送 #塘路駅 #撮り鉄 #標茶ツアー #標茶駅 #細岡俯瞰 #絶気運転 #補機 #補機付き #重連 #釧網本線 #釧網線 #釧路川橋梁 #釧路湿原 #釧路運輸車両所 #鉄道
RT @privacylawyer
I'm not a member of any party and some of the criticism of C-11 is overblown, but #C11 will tell platforms to tell Canadians what to watch, will regulate platforms regarding user-generated content, all of which prima facie infringes freedom of expression.
RT @mediamorphis
.@Spotify regulating the production, distribution, consumption & payment for music. Why something like #C11, the Online Streaming Act, is needed (even if we have to choke on it!).
RT @matthtfld
Very depressing that when Parliamentarians talk about what they think is “Canadian culture” they either raise touchstones from 30+ years back not relevant to young Canadians, or to content that is already flourishing without #C11, much of which is not CanCon approved.
RT @FortierMorghan
Nor are the close to 50 Canadians we employ, nor are the hundreds of thousands of Canadian preschoolers who watch our globally award winning content every single day. But I guess they don’t matter either. #c11
.@u_m_a_m_i is not a loophole. 10/13
RT @SenatorHousakos
Blunting the global success of Canadian digital creators, as #C11 will do by regulating UGC, is not the magic pill for what ails legacy media. WATCH as one of Canada’s top @youtube stars Justin Tomchuk explains:
.@theDarcyMichael is not a loophole. 6/13
RT @deeyre
This exchange, without question, has been most enjoyable moment from any #C11 hearing: @theDarcyMichael responds to @Paulatics's question about whether he is 'Canadian Content.'
"I'm a married, gay stoner - you can't get more Canadian. I am the leaf"
The claims of a billion dollar bonanza from Bill C-11 have always been bogus. This ATIP shows the reality: Canadian Heritage has absolutely no records of any research or studies to support its claims.
Some say #C11 will generate more money for Canadian program production - Department of Canadian Heritage says it has no studies on this point:
Est-ce qu'un jour ça va prendre une licence (révocable) du CRTC pour rouler une instance mastodon? Cet organisme canadien avait pour fonction initiale de réglementer l'utilisation des ondes hertziennes et il veut maintenant réglementer le contenu des sites internet! #wtf #C11
RT @deeyre
This is heartbreaking for all the amazing Canadian digital first creators who stepped up to speak out with their concerns with Bill #C11. They are the future of Canadian content and culture.
RT @FortierMorghan
Share, write, share again. #c11
@danyork @mmasnick @Techmeme As if I didn't have enough to stress about with three separate Canadian laws (#C11 #C18 and online harms), now this. Probably a good thing I game a lot to de-stress for a while.
I sometimes find myself wondering what the heck kind of a future I'll have after all of this. News writing? Canada abolished free speech. Internet knowledge? SCOTUS killed the WWW. I want to think everything is going to be OK, but everything is too much in the air to believe that now.