Had a great time on #CAHR
stream this morning, the "most boring episode ever" according to one viewer https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2OwNIXkp8 #hamradio #LiFePO4
These #CAHR mofos making me wake up early on a Saturday 😜
RT @ham_coffee
The grown-ups are gone! @KK6USYHRA and @TheJimPerry got left alone for the show! Join us and our special guests, @thek5yvy , and @ad6dm as we cuss and discuss portable go ops go kits!
Here is my itemized price sheet in response to the #CAHR #1KHamShackChallenge https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OI2L9aro_5sMp5fV0oCLjBIXfWqERl2wm3_iOAGH8XE/edit?usp=sharing It is my #EMCOMM @thetechprepper@twitter.com-inspired pack build that has seen actual deployment action. https://youtu.be/n6yrSTS1Utw #hamradio
#hamradio #emcomm #1KHamShackChallenge #CAHR
Went live with the Coffee and Ham Radios stream today to talk about #ARES, #CERT, and of course, they made me talk about #LiFePO4 batteries. https://youtu.be/BspuGHC8iN8 (BTW, sub to @TheJimPerry@twitter.com FEPLabs Radio on YT). #hamradio #CAHR
#CAHR #hamradio #lifepo4 #cert #ares