Die Sendung von heute ist ab nun im Archiv: https://o94.at/programm/sendung/id/2214170
#radioFM #cba #o94 #wien #radio #publicrelations #talk #radioshow #online #archive
#radiofm #CBA #o94 #wien #radio #publicrelations #talk #radioshow #online #archive
Wollt Ihr wissen, wie sich das angehört hat? Ok ... weil Ihr es seid: https://cba.fro.at/631017
#cba #mitschnitt #liveband #thesirteens #wien #concert #o94 #radio
#CBA #mitschnitt #liveband #thesirteens #wien #concert #o94 #radio
Für Orange 94.0 erarbeite ich gerade eine Feature-Session, bei der ich die Radiomacher:innen bitte, sich das Medium in 25 Jahren vorzustellen. Auch ich habe mir dazu Gedanken gemacht: https://de.cba.fro.at/630708
#radiofm #25Jahre #25ersessions #orange94 #wien #radio #CBA
In 2007, a football match in Johannesburg was called off three times; once for a lightning storm overhead, once when strong winds blew advertising boards across the pitch, and once more when players said they couldn’t be bothered anymore.
#football #southafrica #johannesburg #cancel #calledoff #lightning #wind #cba #QI #notQI
#football #southafrica #johannesburg #cancel #calledoff #lightning #wind #CBA #qi #notqi
Digging out my schoolgirl #French to email #accordion makers #Maugein to tell them how phenomenally the new chromatic box #CBA seems to be helping my hand control generally, fighting my #neuro cerebral #vasculitis. 250 ish French words later and all done. It's a marvel how much French language I remember, even if I have to check a few words here and there. But I can write 90% of it in one go. Higher French in 1988/9 at #Hawick High #School was a very long time ago. #LanguageLearning #squeezebox
#squeezebox #languagelearning #school #hawick #vasculitis #neuro #CBA #maugein #accordion #french
Got myself a chromatic button #accordion #app for my #iPad, so I can practice more using that, not just when I get my new French #CBA accordion out. I am still very much in the beginning stages. Chromatic button accordion - specifically C system in this case - is new to me. My French box only has all black keys, so it’s interesting to see white for naturals and black for flats/sharps in the app. #iOS #accordeon #squeezebox
#squeezebox #accordeon #ios #CBA #ipad #app #accordion
Die #pridemonth Review-Sendung von INSIDE ORANGE ist online. Dank dem CBA kann die Sendung ohne Einschränkung nachgehört werden:
#pridemonth #review #liveradio #radiofm #radioorange94 #wien #CBA
@Digital_Archivist I have the Netbank front end working, but once it tries to contact the server --- dead!
#commonwealthbank #CBA #outage #down
First proper #accordion practice with my new French chromatic button box. I am not at all familiar with the button right side layout instead of a piano keyboard. But I’ve some great teaching books, and will work at it really hard. Good first go anyway, playing basic tunes with C, D, E, F and G. I’ll be practising these early chapters a lot! At least the left hand chord side is easy for me. Encouraged anyway. And can’t stop myself improvising righf hand extra harmonies as I play. #squeezebox #CBA
Die Sendung verpasst? Kein Problem, sie kann hier nachgehört werden: https://o94.at/programm/sendung/id/2168455
My blog post about slightly reorganising my collection of French #musette #accordion #music to optimise it for convenient practising. And how I got on today. And looking ahead to my new #CBA #chromaticButtonAccordion arriving from #France soon. https://vivdunstan.dreamwidth.org/372715.html #Squeezebox #Accordions #FrenchMusic
#frenchmusic #accordions #squeezebox #france #chromaticbuttonaccordion #CBA #music #accordion #musette
The UK newspaper the Guardian has a nice story today about a Welshman in Ohio. The main thrust of the story and indeed its headline focuses on him learning the Welsh language at age 71. But it also covers him impulsively deciding to learn the button #accordion at age 65. And the main picture for the newspaper article shows him proudly wearing his box! https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/apr/17/a-new-start-after-60-i-dont-like-being-defeated-so-at-71-i-learned-welsh #Accordions #Squeezebox #Music #WelshLanguage #LifelongLearning #CBA #ChromaticButtonAccordion
#chromaticbuttonaccordion #CBA #lifelonglearning #welshlanguage #music #squeezebox #accordions #accordion
#CBA Chinese Basketball Association - Speciale playoff 2022-2023 by Luigi Sabotti
Adani stock rout leaves tens of millions in Australian retirement savings exposed
Fraud allegations send Indian conglomerate’s share prices plunging but super funds contend exposure is limited due to diversification of holdings.
#AdaniGroup #australia #queensland #CommonwealthBank #CBA #FutureFund #adani #CorporateFraud #BJP #NarendraModi #business #industry #india
#adanigroup #australia #queensland #commonwealthbank #CBA #futurefund #adani #corporatefraud #BJP #narendramodi #business #industry #india
Sendung verpasst? Kein Problem, es kann nachgehört werden, dank dem #cba
#radio #freieradios #radiohelsinki #radioorange940 #wien #graz
#CBA #radio #freieradios #radiohelsinki #radioorange940 #wien #graz
"Around and around we go …
So #CBA shareholders are to get a (fully franked) dividend of $2.10 for each of their share – 20% more than the last time dividends were sent out.
Which, as one of my bosses roughly worked out, is about $3.5bn going out to shareholders.
Which is going back into the economy. Which increases #inflation. Which causes the bank to raise the cash rate, because spending isn’t going down. And around and around we go.
So money from workers goes to the bank, which goes to shareholders, which in itself is inflationary, causing the RBA to raise #rates further to “rein in spending”.
Again, tHe SYsTeM iS wORking gReAT."
Sendung verpasst? Kein Problem. Hier kannst Du nachhören: https://www.freie-radios.online/sendung/neu
#radio #archiv #cba #FreieRadios
#radio #archiv #CBA #freieradios
RT @e_wrzosek@twitter.com
Prokurator Kierski miał ujawnić (omyłkowo) dokumenty potwierdzające stosowanie #Pegasusa @KrzysztofBrejza@twitter.com m in. wnioski #CBA o kontrolę operacyjną.
Ujawnienie takich wniosków w innych sprawach pozwoli na ustalenie tych funkcjonariuszy #CBA, którzy świadomie łamali prawo. https://twitter.com/onetwiadomosci/status/1615665444626796544
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/e_wrzosek/status/1615674450782916608