Interesting. We checked a while back and found that the three initial banks were being #MITMd by #CloudFlare and another #dotcon.
Allegedly, "#bitcoin-accepting" #banks are being targetted. Ie. banks that allowed people to move between bitcoin and #fiat are the ones having their confidence undermined. Apparently #ElizabethWarren is partly involved for an open letter that caused an initial run.
No doubt they will try to capitalise on all this by starting the #CBCD.
#mitmd #cloudflare #dotcon #bitcoin #banks #fiat #elizabethwarren #CBCD #confidenctrick
There's a bit too much hyperbole in this one. There's some bright sparks like highlighting how #WarrenBuffet isn't a good person, but he contradicts himself by taking Buffet's advice (just one example).
A lot of arguments are 2014-ly, or not based on things bitcoiners actually say or do.
He neglects the elephant in the room, the #cantillonEffect, #speculation and the numerous flow on #abuses and -'ve effects of #TheFed papacy.
He talks up a #CBCD (aka #CentralBankDigitalCurrency) so…
#warrenbuffet #cantilloneffect #speculation #abuses #thefed #CBCD #CentralBankDigitalCurrency