Place basically stores our stuff coz we sleep & relax in the van on the drive.We can hire temperature controlled storage for 175 a month. Why pay rent, electric, kero, wood, etc for here to store our stuff when 175 is a whole lot cheaper & we sleep in the van anyway.Plus we can save the extra.
This is the floor by the sliding door.It won't open anymore.You can see a dirty black line by the part that's not supposed to open from the rain coming in.The mat is on the side that did open.
It's tough being cute 😍
Shes 14 in a week and a ½!
#papillon #PapillonDog #Madra #MastoMadra #DogsOfMastodon #ButterflyDog #cbf
#papillon #papillondog #madra #Mastomadra #dogsofmastodon #butterflydog #CBF
Still some final ts to be crossed, but radical change coming from #CBF that will ripple throughout world ⚽️ tackling racism on the pitch and in the stands. Fines and home field losses are baked in, seen it before; the kicker: losing a point in the table. Real fuckin consequences. Finally. #mastodonfc
Paulo Silas, Brazil
🐦🔗: Alexander Pollack begrüßt bei „Selbsthilfe auf dem #RadaR“ Gäste des CBF, Club Behinderter & ihrer Freunde Darmstadt, der sich seit 52 Jahren um Belange & Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen kümmert. Wege zur Inklusion & Aufgaben & Ziele #CBF
Warum wird bei entsprechenden Symptomen nicht standardmäßig jede*r Longcovid Betroffene auf:
- OI/ Pots
- Small Fiber Neuropathie
- Reduzierter CBF (cerebral blood flow)
- PEM /Mecfs
- hypermobiltät (h)Eds
- Mastzellaktivierung/ MCAS
#SFN #pots #mecfs #Mcas #Eds #pem #CBF #Diagnostik
#Longcovid Patients:
"Prevalence of #POTS Are Reduced but Cerebral Blood Flow (#CBF) Abnormalities Remain Abnormal with Longer Disease Duration."