HILARIOUS: #CBS News Viciously Mocked By #Elon-Musk After Re-Joining #Twitter Just 2 DAYS After They Said They Would Quit Forever https://persecution-live.org/2022/11/22/hilarious-cbs-news-viciously-mocked-by-elon-musk-after-re-joining-twitter-just-2-days-after-they-said-they-would-quit-forever/
#TwitterFiles -- #CNN, #ABC, #NBC, #CBS black out coverage of #ElonMusk #leaks: https://www.foxnews.com/media/twitter-files-cnn-abc-nbc-cbs-blackout-coverage-elon-musk
#leaks #ElonMusk #CBS #nbc #abc #CNN #TwitterFiles
@CBSNews #CBS #HunterBiden #HunterBidenLaptop
#Hunterbidenlaptop #hunterbiden #CBS
@CBSNews #CBS #HunterBiden #HunterBidenLaptop
#Hunterbidenlaptop #hunterbiden #CBS
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"During a CBS News 60 Minutes interview on Sunday, Biden affirmed it might be time to move on. The Democrat said the country should continue still exercise caution with COVID-19 and that work still needs to be done in order to get the virus under control."
"Despite Biden’s recent remarks, last month the White House extended the public health emergency declaration for COVID-19 through October 13th. The Biden administration is continuing its policy on vaccine mandates."
#oan #biden #pandemic #cbs #news #interview #virus #who #detroit #michigan #publichealth #emergency #declaration #policy
#policy #declaration #emergency #publichealth #michigan #Detroit #WHO #virus #interview #news #CBS #pandemic #Biden #oan
Flashback: #CBS News mocked #Trump for warning of German reliance on Russian gas
Flashback: #CBS News mocked #Trump for warning of German reliance on Russian gas
#LeeZeldin attack -- #ABC, #CBS, #NBC, #CNN Sunday shows ignore #assault on #GOP lawmaker, #NewYork gubernatorial candidate: https://www.foxnews.com/media/lee-zeldin-attack-abc-cbs-nbc-cnn-sunday-shows-ignore-assault-gop-lawmaker-ny-gubernatorial-candidate
#NewYork #GOP #assault #CNN #nbc #CBS #abc #LeeZeldin
#CBS digs into #HunterBiden, #JamesBiden #scandal -- over 150 concerning bank transactions: https://www.foxnews.com/media/cbs-hunter-james-biden-scandal-bank-transactions
#scandal #jamesbiden #hunterbiden #CBS
Dan Bongino: Are We Living in an Oligarchy?
#DanBongino #vaccines #havenot&haves #Biden #COVID #blackrock #inflation #news #foxnews #fox #CBS #germany #gas #hunter #russia
#russia #hunter #gas #germany #CBS #fox #foxnews #news #inflation #blackrock #COVID #Biden #havenot #vaccines #DanBongino
#LetsGoBrandon #shaq #news #forcemandate #Biden #vaccines #CBS #forced #vaccinemandate
“Objective #journalism is not feasible anymore” -- #ProjectVeritas #whistleblower exposes #CBS affiliate’s depraved #diversity #training: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/objective-journalism-not-feasible-anymore-project-veritas-whistleblower-exposes-cbs-affiliates-depraved-diversity-training-video/
#training #diversity #CBS #whistleblower #projectveritas #journalism
CBS 62 Insider GOES PUBLIC Exposing Network’s Forced Vaccination Rhetoric and Bias ~ Project Veritas
#cbs #news #press #currentpress #projectveritas #vaccine #vaccination #media #rhetoric #bias #exposed
#exposed #bias #rhetoric #media #vaccination #vaccine #projectveritas #currentpress #press #news #CBS
#CBS caught promoting major lie about #KyleRittenhouse, forced to issue an embarrassing correction: https://www.analyzingamerica.org/2021/11/645628/
CBS Insider Brett Mauser EXPOSES Internal Training - ‘Stop Thinking in Terms of Objective Journalism’ ~ Project Veritas
#press #currentpress #journalism #media #reporting #projectveritas #cbs
#CBS #projectveritas #Reporting #media #journalism #currentpress #press