Hajar Yazdiha, Ph.D. · @HajYazdiha
119 followers · 4 posts · Server sciences.social

🏆 Call for nominations for the Distinguished Early Career Award for an early career scholar of color making contributions to the study of social movements, either assistant or associate level. Self-nominations welcome! Deadline 3/1.

#ASA2023 #CBSM

Last updated 2 years ago

Pamela Oliver · @pamelaoliver
515 followers · 145 posts · Server sciences.social

Well if I'd taken more time with the survey and asked people to fill in their interests in boxes numbered 1 to 7 I'd be having less trouble now in parsing the different ways people delimited and expressed their interests. Writing the Stata code to parse this is kind of fun, though.

#CBSM #sloppymethods #openendedquestions

Last updated 2 years ago

Pamela Oliver · @pamelaoliver
369 followers · 66 posts · Server sciences.social

My social movements grad students want to talk about scholar-activist relations. I know of some examples and sources, but would appreciate links/connections to people or citations in the social movements area about scholar-activist relations. Also please boost as I have only about six known CBSM connections right now on Mastodon and I'd like to find more

#socialmovements #engagedscholarship #CBSM #CollectiveBehavior #activist

Last updated 2 years ago

Pamela Oliver · @pamelaoliver
369 followers · 66 posts · Server sciences.social

Members of Am Soc Assoc's Collective Behavior & Social Movements Section, I'm trying to help organize small groups in the section to meet virtually about special topics. There is a very short survey to express interest. It takes less than 5 minutes. 96 people have already responded. Here is the link. forms.gle/aUh2gYU4yZgQxdax7 I would also appreciate your liking this post if you are an ASA CBSM member. Interested in seeing who is out there.


Last updated 2 years ago