Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
808 followers · 1914 posts · Server post.lurk.org

Un post intéressant de @julienbidoret
"De plus en plus souvent, de plus en plus fort – et il faut bien le dire, depuis pas mal de temps – résonnent autour de moi des questionnements sur « pourquoi l’ a gagné et pourquoi il échoue ». Pourquoi il est insuffisant, incomplet, presque impuissant dans un objectif de transformation profonde des structures politiques de contrôle auxquelles il affirmait s’attaquer. Ici, récemment, un thread initié par @despens, là un autre de . Aujourd’hui, deux autres textes : The is dying par et drones run linux: the free software movement isn’t enough de ."
Avec entre autres et $cript dedans, donc @Femke et @Ludi au minimum

#opensource #cadediehm #freesoftwarefoundation #drewdevault #jesolson #CC4r #post

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"The extent to which have embraced , capitalizing on voluntary and free labor, has become clear, as well as how the success of Free/Libre and relied on its alignment with an profiting from and speculating on growth. [...] How can we create conditions for re-use which acknowledge different kinds of contributors? What would a and look like which could acknowledge entangled notions of ? opens up a space for negotiation and conversation, but is far from answering any of these questions. With CC4r, we hope to incite thoughtful and irreverent that do not evade these questions but instead invite its users to inhabit them. For us, CC4r is more than a license. It is a commitment to care for the collective conditions of the many, for “these explosions, the principle and of which we have not begun to grasp, and whose outbursts we cannot predict.""


#femkesnelting #ÉlodieMugrefya #economy #practices #CC4r #authorship #license #feminist #decolonial #exploitation #industry #it #software #opensource #work #freeculture #platforms #extractivist

Last updated 2 years ago

I.M.V.E.C. · @imvectech
852 followers · 2060 posts · Server qoto.org

Acabamos de descubrir la licencia o Creative Commons for Re-use.
Asume de entrada que la autoria es colectiva, que nuestras creaciones son la suma de los conocimientos pasados.



Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

Once again back to the very useful Collective Conditions for Re-use , wip by Constant.
"The understands as inherently collaborative and already-collective. It applies to hybrid practices such as human-machine and other-than-human . The legal framework of ties authorship firmly in and individual human , and prevents more fluid modes of authorial becoming from flourishing. and , , work reminds us that there is no tabula rasa, no original or single ; that authorial practice exists within a web of references."
(with links to talks)

#author #anticolonial #feminist #intersectional #freeculture #creation #property #copyright #contributions #collaborations #authorship #CC4r #licence

Last updated 3 years ago