Sometimes, you can get the impression that certain #CEOs of multi-national corporations are the last reliable friends of the #CCP around Europe (with the exception, of course, of some extremists on the left and on the right).
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Thorsten Benner: Mercedes-Benz CEO Kaellenius on 🇨🇳 state TV waxes poetically about Beijing‘s commitment to opening up & 🇨🇳as largest market and „home away from home“ for Mercedes-Benz, committing further investment.
De-risiking, @MercedesBenz style.
#CCP offers love, party "guidance" and "support" to private enterprise. But a Tsinghua sociologist reposted in May a speech he gave in 2018: “Private enterprises don’t need support. They need a normal social environment” regulated by the rule of law.
John #Lee should have been sanctioned by EU authorities much earlier. But now he has certainly crossed additional red lines. Let us go for it! #HumanRightsSanctions #StandWithHongKong
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Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯: No decent, civilised leader talks like this.
John Lee is not a leader, he's a thug. A #CCP quisling puppet zombie thug.
And he should be sanctioned.
8 Hong Kong wanted activists should be treated like ‘rats in the street’: John Lee via @scmpnews
#Lee #HumanRightsSanctions #StandWithHongKong #CCP
Re The #CCP instrumentalises the law and deprives Chinese citizens of their rights. Let us be grateful and honour those people who courageously oppose the repressive Chinese state and fight for the rights and dignity of all people in China. /6
The world must pay attention to CCP crimes. As the EU discusses reviewing its obsolete China strategy, human rights and protection of human dignity must be a key part of our policy
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Rushan Abbas: The recording of the brutal murder of #Uyghurs by #Chinese workers on June 26th, 2009 in Shaoguan, China.
Uyghurs took to the streets in protest on July 5th, 2009 in #Urumchi when the #CCP tried to conceal this bloody event, which led to the CCP's #UrumchiMassacre.
#Uyghurs #chinese #Urumchi #CCP #UrumchiMassacre
RT Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯
I have never been one to say we shouldn’t talk to Beijing
Of course we should talk
The question for me is not whether to engage, but how, on whose terms, about what and with what objective?
#XiJinping #CCP’s crimes must be at the centre of talks /
Chinese June 4 Content Restrictions for Douyin Official Accounts and Key Opinion Leaders: The #CCP bureaucrats' desperate and silly attempts to deny any #Tiananmen massacre remembrance. #8964
#CCP endeavours to forcibly control #information about #China abroad: "China’s latest moves to limit online access to information make the already difficult job of finding out what’s really going on inside the country even more difficult." via cdt
Can something be ridiculous and revoltingly cynical at the same time. Sure. Just look at these #CCP efforts to oppress a planned May day demonstration of 500 people in Hong Kong. #LaborRights #DictatorshipOverTheProletariat
#CCP #laborrights #DictatorshipOverTheProletariat
RT @benedictrogers: Disgraceful tactics by #China's #CCP
RT @benedictrogers: In the face of #XiJinping #CCP’s threats, we are all Taiwanese
Stand with #Taiwan
'I am Taiwanese': The threat of war from Beijing strengthens island's identity - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
RT @RoFreudenstein: So telling. If the Chinese Communist Party #CCP tells you they support you in something, that alone should make you think twice. Strategic autonomy from the #US is exactly what CCP wants for 🇪🇺. @SpokespersonCHN’s 2nd sentence spells it out. For whoever hasn’t got it yet. 👋🇫🇷!
✅ Available. Translations of:
▪️ Guidelines on #CCP recovery plan scenarios (Article 9(12) of CCPRRR) →!8qgggd.
▪️ Guidelines on CCP recovery plan indicators (Article 9(5) CCPRRR) →!7Q4BKK.
#China Words that matter:
#Asia #politics #geopolitics #CCP
#China #asia #politics #geopolitics #CCP
RT @benedictrogers: The persecution of Catholics by #CCP in #China is heartbreaking
And the silence of the Vatican even more so
Vatican Largely Silent as China Forces Catholics to ‘Adapt to Socialist Society’| National Catholic Register
Way to go! If knuckle-heads in #Wolfsburg don't listen to #CCP's victims, nor to human rights campaigners, nor to demands from policy makers and the public, nor to voices from Betriebsrat or the IG Metall trade union, then, maybe, they might listen to financial markets! #Xinjiang
RT @fbermingham: German investment bank Deka removed all Volkswagen shares from its sustainable products due to its facility in Xinjiang, and potential links to forced labour there
Donnie Yen is a mouthpiece of the #CCP, having denounced Hong Kong's #democracy movement as a "riot" and pandering to Xi Jinping. Why would he be the right person to be given #Oscar presenter honours?
@jooeysiiu @LauraHarth How does the #CCP control and repress Chinese #diaspora groups and individuals?
These and other questions we will discuss with our speakers @LauraHarth, Dr. Carsten Schäfer, and @SimonChengUK.
Click here to register👉
I hope to see you there!
How does the #CCP control and repress Chinese #diaspora groups and individuals?
These and other questions we will discuss with our speakers @LauraHarth, Dr. Carsten Schäfer, and @SimonChengUK.
Click here to register👉
I hope to see you there!