#Ccr23 #Device trial presented just now. Stopped early for emphatic efficacy on primary endpoint: videolaryngoscopy halved the rate of failed intubation at first attempt compared with direct laryngoscopy.
Interestingly, although underpowered to detect a difference due to lower event rates, there was no difference in complications
The discussion panel at #ccr23 raised the criticism that there were two primary endpoints but no correction for multiple comparisons. I had the chance to discuss this with David Harrison and he explained that there was one clinical primary endpoint, but there is an additional cost effectiveness endpoint that requires 12-month follow up data, so they can’t report yet
OXY-PICU trial randomised critically ill children to restrictive vs liberal SpO2 target (88-92 vs >94). Marginally significant result showing better composite outcome (days alive w/out organ support) with *restrictive* oxygen target.
A great discussions happening here on the Patch trial
Next trip revealed at #ccr23. Fascinating result from PATCH trial of tranexamic acid in prehospital trauma patients at high risk of coagulopathy. Mortality reduced, but perfectly balanced by an increase in severe disability. Which group would you rather be in?
#ccr23 I’ve followed #ukreboatrial with a little bit of awe since I first heard about it many years ago. There’s something heroic about the effort to do a trial in the context of major haemorrhage. Across the whole UK, clinicians allocated patients at random to receive an intervention to stop bleeding. The entire specialty agreed to apply the scientific method to find the truth.
First result at #ccr23 - as convincing a result as could be expected from such a small number of patients (but a huge trial in terms of complexity and ambition): REBOA probably increases mortality, particularly from haemorrhage, particularly early. Jan Jansen presenting - congratulations to him on an important contribution to the evidence
#ccr23 is on today
And it’s being live streamed for FREE. Excellent #foamed #foamcc
Who’s watching? @kennethbaillie