Ars Technica: Honda is the latest automaker to switch EV charging plugs #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #NorthAmericanChargingstandard #combinedchargingstandard #EVcharginginfrastructure #TeslaSupercharger #DCfastcharging #supercharger #EVcharging #hondaplug #Teslaplug #carplug #evplug #honda #Tesla #Cars #CCS1 #NACS #CCS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #northamericanchargingstandard #combinedchargingstandard #evcharginginfrastructure #teslasupercharger #DCfastcharging #supercharger #EVcharging #hondaplug #teslaplug #carplug #evplug #honda #tesla #cars #ccs1 #nacs #CCS
Some great reporting here from E&E:
💥 Biden admin is counting #CCS spending as part of its #Justice40 initiative, against the recs of EJ advisory comm
💥 A June meeting with EJ groups was perceived as a "sales pitch" for CCS, and prompted a strong statement in response
💥 "Bad actors that fail to enforce environmental regulations are in the process of being approved to hold primary permitting authority over CCS projects."
Gestern abend hat Oliver Kalusch (#BBU) mit MdB Kathrin #Vogler (#LINKE) zu #Fracking, #LNG-Gasversorgung in Meck-Pom, den Gefahren von #CCS, Carbon Capture and Storage und den Plänen der Bundesregierung zur #Energiewende und dem #Heizungsgesetz gesprochen.
Kathrin Vogler hat den Podcast mit Oliver Kalusch zum Nachhören auf ihre Seite gestellt.
Hier ist der Link:
Von dort könnt Ihr zu den gängigen Plattformen zum Nachhören gelangen.
#BBU #Vogler #linke #fracking #lng #CCS #Energiewende #heizungsgesetz
Some countries want to use #CCS instead of 'phasing down' #FossilFuels. Major fossil fuel producers Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, Russia 🇷🇺, China🇨🇳, South Africa🇿🇦 & Indonesia🇮🇩 are all known to oppose the goal of tripling #renewable energy capacity this decade
@Blackbird @Aglaia89 @prefec2 @nilsk alles was man zu #CCS wissen muss:
On the topic of Carbon Capture and Storage:
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Oil #OilAndGas #Energy #CarbonCapture #CCS
#ClimateChange #climatecrisis #oil #oilandgas #Energy #carboncapture #CCS
"Problems at two long-running Norwegian carbon capture and storage #CCS projects are highlighting worrying challenges for the future, including the risk of creating a new fossil fuel subsidy.
Sleipner struggled with CO2 unexpectedly migrating upwards by 220m from the original underground storage site, while Snøhvit saw storage capacity cut from an estimated 18 years to less than two once the operation was underway"
Vielen Dank
@anjareschke1 @reschkefernsehn
für diese tolle Sendung.
Geschichte der #Klimakrisen Leugnung von #ShellBPExxon bis #CDUCSUFDPAfD mit ihren #LNG, #CCS und #Technologieoffenheit Alpträumen:
Ein Muss für alle, die immer wieder auf die Lügen von #CDUCSUFDPFWAfD herein zu fallen zu drohen:
#Klimakrisen #shellbpexxon #CDUCSUFDPAfD #lng #CCS #Technologieoffenheit #cducsufdpfwafd
Ars Technica: Now Volvo is switching to Tesla’s charging plug #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #TeslaSupercharger #EVcharging #Tesla #volvo #Cars #CCS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #teslasupercharger #EVcharging #tesla #volvo #cars #CCS
Is your carbon capture scheme any good at all?
"Are we sure we’re not accidentally combusting part of our machine?"
"What are the fundamental constraints on scaling?"
Stimulating blog with questions to ask CC companies and projects by post by TERRAFORM INDUSTRIES (a CCU company themselves).
#EnergyMastodon #CCU #CCS #carbon
Torneo ‘HANDI CUP 2023’ ⚽🎮🎧 Torneo de fútbol 7 para creadores de contenido/streamers en Santa Eugenia
El próximo domingo 18 de Junio se celebra la primera edición del «HANDI CUP», un torneo de fútbol 7 por y para creadores de contenido/streamers en las instalaciones deportivas La Unión de Santa Eugenia.
Varios jóvenes del distrito han preparado un torneo deportivo totalmente gratuito con el que pretenden crear una experiencia que permita disfrutar a jugadores y al público de una jornada de deporte de una manera diferente.
Para conocer más detalles sobre el torneo o acudir como público, podéis leer la noticia completa en el siguiente enlace de nuestra web:
#Torneo #HandiCup #Handicap #Deporte #Fútbol #FIFA #Streamers #CreadoresdeContenido #CCs #Clubes #ComunnityClubs #EASports #Uniconf #Unión #UDMElidaOlimpia #Crearten #VilladeVallecas #Vallecas #Vallekas
#torneo #handicup #handicap #deporte #futbol #FIFA #streamers #creadoresdecontenido #CCS #clubes #comunnityclubs #easports #uniconf #union #udmelidaolimpia #crearten #villadevallecas #vallecas #vallekas
Ars Technica: With Ford and GM’s help, Tesla reignites the charging standard war #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #EVcharginginfrastructure #TeslaSupercharger #GeneralMotors #Tesla #Cars #Ford #NACS #CCS
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #evcharginginfrastructure #teslasupercharger #generalmotors #tesla #cars #Ford #nacs #CCS
Bericht über die Verquickungen von #Politik und Öl-Industrie.. Alles nicht neu.
"... die Öl-Industrie. Über deren Anteil am #Klimawandel spricht kaum jemand. Und das hat Gründe: Reschke Fernsehen zeigt, wie die fossilen Unternehmen uns seit Jahrzehnten mit Milliarden Dollar und #Lobbyeinfluss manipulieren. Anja Reschke dreht den Spieß um und blickt in die dunklen Hinterzimmer - zu den Ölmagnaten, Kohlekonzernen, Gasgiganten."
#Klimakrise #ccs #CDU #oelindustrie
#politik #klimawandel #Lobbyeinfluss #klimakrise #CCS #CDU #oelindustrie
Vielen Dank @AnjaReschke1 für diese tolle Sendung!
Geschichte der #Klimakrisen Leugnung von #ShellBPExxon bis #CDUCSUFDPAfD mit ihren #LNG #CCS und #Technologieoffenheit Alpträumen:
#Klimakrisen #shellbpexxon #CDUCSUFDPAfD #lng #CCS #Technologieoffenheit
Hello Energy Mastodon! Here is my #Introduction. I am a researcher and freelancer working on all things Geoenergy. I started off dating volcanoes a couple of decades ago and transitioned into the geoenergy world almost 10 years ago. Research so far includes #CCS, #HydrogenExploration, and #MinewaterHeatStorage. I'm a big fan of interdisciplinary work and bridging gaps between sectors to ensure that the #EnergyTransition is a #JustTransition.
#introduction #CCS #hydrogenexploration #minewaterheatstorage #energytransition #justtransition
Unterseevulkane als CO2-Speicher? Basaltgestein erloschener Vulkane kann Treibhausgas "versteinern". #CO2 #CCS #CCU #Vulkan #Basalt #Mineralisierung #Klima
#co2 #CCS #CCU #Vulkan #Basalt #mineralisierung #klima
The UK 🇬🇧 govt has pledged £20bn to support #carbon capture & storage in the next 20 yrs but is yet to finalise details. Developers are waiting on the exact shape of aid before investing. They estimate large #CCS sites will each cost £bns to set up & run
The incoming president of the UN 🇺🇳 #COP28 summit is at odds with leading environment ministers over how to curb global warming, while pushing for the continued long-term use of #FossilFuels by capturing CO2 via unproven at scale #CCS
One player thats been noticeably absent in funding clean technologies is #BigOil. While US #oil majors, inc #ExxonMobil, #Chevron & ConocoPhillips made commitments to green their portfolios with clean hydrogen & #CCS, "this hasn't been backed up with cash"
#bigoil #oil #exxonmobil #chevron #CCS
CO2-Speicherung im Untergrund - ein teurer und umstrittener Ausweg für nicht vermeidbare Emissionen. Auch Deutschland wird diesen Weg wohl gehen. DLF-Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt von Tomma Schröder. #CCS #Klimaschutz