RT @environpreneur: Attending the #CEConferenceKE2022 virtually as we are showcasing the @Tech_Bin at @ZetechUni Innovation Week that's championing #circulareconomy by educating on Waste Segregation at source. Dope insights from the panelists @TheWEEECentre @JulianiKenya @EUinKenya @SustainaBizKe
#CEConferenceKE2022 #CircularEconomy
Here are other sessions you can also join online this afternoon at the #CEConferenceKE2022
According to a 2019 report by the Global e-waste Monitor, Kenya lost approximately Sh5.7 trillion in dumped or burned recoverable e-waste materials.
Join us for highlights on the opportunities available for suppliers and more!
The EPA with Kenya, under renegotiation, aims to promote sustainable development and a greener economy.
Cooperation among stakeholders is key in the transition to a #circulareconomy
#CircularEconomy #CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #SustainableDevelopment
How can we make the EPR work?
As a consumer, the 3Rs are a common phrase: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. However, what role do
producers play in #EndPlasticPollution after
Join the conversation using #CEConferenceKE2022 on YouTube!
#EUinKenya #circulareconomy #environment
RT @EUinKenya: WE ARE LIVE!!
Join us on YouTube for the 7th Circular Economy Conference
➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqoONTRuc2E&feature=youtu.be
#EndPlasticPollution #CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #CircularEconomy #environment
Join us on YouTube for the 7th Circular Economy Conference
➡️ https://youtu.be/CqoONTRuc2E
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #circulareconomy
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #CircularEconomy #SustainableDevelopment
Join us on YouTube for this year's Circular Economy Conference
➡️ http://bit.ly/3suqNYT
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #circulareconomy
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #CircularEconomy #SustainableDevelopment
RT @SustainaBizKe: As the world transforms into low carbon & inclusive society, how can the use of #renewableenergy sources, such as biomass & biofuels, assist Africa in its transition to a low-carbon economy? This afternoon, we discuss this and more.
#renewableenergy #CEConferenceKE2022
We have an exciting program lined up at the #CEConferenceKE2022 and you can follow the livestream on YouTube!
Follow us for this and other exciting updates! https://bit.ly/3TAfASF
#EUinKenya #circulareconomy #environment #sustainabledevelopment
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #CircularEconomy #environment #SustainableDevelopment
With Kenya getting 75% of its energy from renewable sources, what lessons can other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa draw from it?
Sign up here https://europa.eu/!Ybv4dF to take part in the #CEConferenceKE2022
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya #environment #SustainableDevelopment
RT @SustainaBizKe: To deliver on the #CEConferenceKE2022, we have partnered with #TheRockGroup, @KEPSA_KENYA, @IUCN, @biodev2030, @TambuziRoses, & #Greenthing. A big shoutout to @EUinKenya for powering this conference. We really appreciate all our partners for the support. https://circulareconomyafrica.org/7th-circular-economy-conference/
#CEConferenceKE2022 #TheRockGroup #Greenthing
RT @ECDPM: The 7th Annual circular economy conference is taking place tomorrow!
Our @nadia___ashraf is speaking during the workshop on sustainable and ethical textile and fashion
There's still time for you to register
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya
RT @SustainaBizKe: A great line-up of speakers awaits you at the #CEConferenceKE2022, see more here https://bit.ly/3Fag25J
We're extremely humbled by your keenness to attend, so much so that physical spaces are sold out.
Virtual registration remains open via our website https://circulareconomyafrica.org/
Join us for the 7th Annual Circular Economy Conference on 26 October. To register https://europa.eu/!Ybv4dF
#CEConferenceKE2022 #EUinKenya
RT @SustainaBizKe: We are glad to now welcome you to officially register for the #CEConferenceKE2022, in partnership with @EUinKenya, @IUCN, #TheRockGroup & @KEPSA_KENYA.
Visit https://circulareconomyafrica.org/ for more details. We look forward to hosting you.
REGISTER TO ATTEND> https://circulareconomyafrica.org/etn/7th_annual_circular_economy_conference/
#CEConferenceKE2022 #TheRockGroup