Thanks to EU guarantee, a new agreement signed today between the @EIF_EU and @ErsteGroup will unlock more than €66 million for social entrepreneurs.
RT @EIF_EU: Good news for social entrepreneurs in 🇦🇹 🇨🇿 🇭🇺 🇷🇴 🇸🇰 Our latest #investEU transaction with @ErsteGroup expects to unlock more than €66 million in loans for 500 social enterprises and create 1 750 jobs. 🙌social economy in #CEE.
RT @IriBeacon: Pluralism in quality media, transparent algorithms and the protection of vulnerable persons online were highlighted as the foundation of resilience against influence operations by experts from #CEE during an event organized by @EUROPEUM, @RadioFreeEurope #ThinkVisegrad and @IRI.
Our #WeekendRead 🤓
New narratives & #information threats in #CEE that have the potential to undermine support for #Ukraine 🇺🇦
✍️ @IriBeacon ↓
#WeekendRead #information #CEE #Ukraine
#Davos Day 3 discussions focused on Ukraine and democratic resilience:
👉@andrejplenkovic on #CEE countries & support for 🇺🇦
👉@nickclegg on the fight against #disinformation
👉Panel on #GovTech at #Ukraine House @FedorovMykhailo @MBAndrijanic
👉@RepBrendanBoyle on 🇪🇺🇺🇸 unity
#davos #CEE #disinformation #GovTech #Ukraine
RT @bctallis: ‘A weak #Russia is only desirable at first glance’
- I usually agree with @ClaudMajor but not here.
main argument is that 🇷🇺’s weakening & even break up could be destabilising.
BUT stability is not in itself a good thing as #CEE knows from Cold War 1/2
RT @mbukows: W związku z "repolonizacją" #PKPEnergetyka postanowiłem sprawdzić jak dużą część wartości dodanej produkują firmy zagraniczne w różnych krajach Europy. Polska porównywalna z Holandią, znacznie mniej niż w wielu innych krajach #CEE. Dane z 2019 roku (nie ma nowszych).
Congratulations and welcome.
RT @MesarovichA: I am EXTREMELY happy to announce I'll be joining the @STGEUI as a Max Weber Fellow for two years researching #populism and illiberal policy diffusion in #CEE. Absolutely chuffed! More than chuffed, excited even!
Totally shocking!
RT @pete556: And the runner up prize goes to this pristine piece of bright green plastic grass on the roof terrace of phase A of South Lambeth Estate regeneration. Which beautifully encapsulates @lambeth_council's response to the climate emergency. #CEE
When it comes to the #digital transformation in the #CEE Region, it’s about more than just investment.
We also need to build the public sector’s capacity, educate society, and equip ourselves with the necessary tools.
Good to speak at @AtlanticCouncil #CentralEuropeWeek 👇
#digital #CEE #CentralEuropeWeek
RT @MariaMalovaEU: “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” Words of Winston Churchill remain valid also today 🏥 Insightful workshop organized by @SLOVAKIAinEU in the framework of @V4_PRES 🇸🇰 brought together 🇪🇺 policy makers and experts from #CEE region @EC_HERA @EU_Health
Nazista della #Wehrmacht Walter #Hallstein onorificato Cavaliere di Gran Croce dal Pres Repubblica Luigi #Einaudi nel 1953 poi Pres #CEE e Comm #EU dal 1958-67
#eu #CEE #Einaudi #Hallstein #wehrmacht
With experts from different #CEE coutries we talk about how we can transform the healthcar systems in CEE, in order to improve patient access to good quality and affordable care services that are person-centred and digitally enabled. It is an important topic,
Ogni volta che ne parlavo, venivo guardato come un folle. Ma era vero.
Il 18/06/1989 gli italiani hanno avuto la possibilità di esprimersi sul futuro dell'Unione Europea, con il (finora) unico referendum consultivo
E l'88% disse: SI
#1964 : M. Costa, qui contestait sa facture d’électricité, invoquait l’incompatibilité de la loi italienne avec le Traité #CEE. #CJUEen70jours
#1964 : M. Costa, qui contestait sa facture d’électricité, invoquait l’incompatibilité de la loi italienne avec le Traité #CEE. #CJUEen70jours
#1963: selon l’entreprise, ce droit est contraire à l’article 12 du Traité #CEE qui interdisait aux États membres notamment d’augmenter les #droitsdedouane qu’ils appliquent dans leurs relations commerciales mutuelles. #CJUEen70jours
#CEE #droitsdedouane #CJUEen70jours
#1963: selon l’entreprise, ce droit est contraire à l’article 12 du Traité #CEE qui interdisait aux États membres notamment d’augmenter les #droitsdedouane qu’ils appliquent dans leurs relations commerciales mutuelles. #CJUEen70jours
#CEE #droitsdedouane #CJUEen70jours
#1962: dans son premier arrêt rendu sur renvoi préjudiciel, Bosch (13/61), la Cour a clarifié les effets de l’interdiction d’ententes consacrée par le traité #CEE avant l’entrée en vigueur du premier règlement d'application du Conseil. #CJUEen70jours
#1962: dans son premier arrêt rendu sur renvoi préjudiciel, Bosch (13/61), la Cour a clarifié les effets de l’interdiction d’ententes consacrée par le traité #CEE avant l’entrée en vigueur du premier règlement d'application du Conseil. #CJUEen70jours
RT @VisegradInsight: Today afternoon in #Prague we are discussing war in #Ukraine and how much the consequences of the war are involving #EU and #CEE w/@AlesChmelar @MarketkaG @wprzybylski @Pavel_Havlicek_ @LubosPalata at the @Europarl_CZ