Oggi in Commissione Trasporti al Pe, approvata una lettera da trasmettere alla commissione Bilancio sulla revisione del bilancio Ue. ✉️ 👉 Nel testo abbiamo chiesto che vengano spostate maggiori risorse del bilancio europeo sul capitolo #CEF, oggi in esaurimento, che serve a… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1681692163678019591 https://t.co/5XjnU7hhPC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MCampomenosi/status/1681692163678019591
A strong #CEF III under next #MFF will support completion of #TEN_T core network by 2030, including GPSO high-speed 🇫🇷-🇪🇸 rail link better connecting Bordeaux & Toulouse with Madrid, via Dax.
European Coordinator C. Secchi @CaroleDelga @PrefetOccitanie @NvelleAquitaine https://t.co/D023ZoPNxH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Transport_EU/status/1674394759563997186
.@AdinaValean: Incontro molto proficuo con il ministro @matteosalvinimi, ieri a Roma.
Tra i punti:
🇪🇺 #TEN_T 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 #CEF 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Brennero 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Sicurezza stradale 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Ponte sullo stretto di Messina 🇮🇹
Viaggio in #frecciarossa per Napoli, mentre continuo la mia visita in Italia.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Adina Valean: A good meeting with minister @matteosalvinimi yesterday in Rome.
Items on the agenda:
🇪🇺 #TEN_T 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 #CEF 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Brenner🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Road safety 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Messina bridge 🇮🇹
Travelling by #frecciarossa to Napoli today as I continue my country visit to Italy. https://t.co/2xY1BP6gcM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/europainitalia/status/1673991507114708993
A good meeting with minister @matteosalvinimi yesterday in Rome.
Items on the agenda:
🇪🇺 #TEN_T 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 #CEF 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Brenner🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Road safety 🇮🇹
🇪🇺 Messina bridge 🇮🇹
Travelling by #frecciarossa to Napoli today as I continue my country visit to Italy. https://t.co/2xY1BP6gcM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AdinaValean/status/1673991251769581568
RT Ministerie IenW
Re De projecten dragen bij aan het #verduurzamen van #transport. Lees hier welke Nederlandse projecten een Europese subsidie krijgen:
@EUinNL @EU_Commission | #CEF #CEFTransport 2/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MinIenW/status/1671852889717784577
#verduurzamen #Transport #CEF #CEFTransport
Goed nieuws! De EU investeert €6.2 miljard in 107 duurzame, veilige en efficiënte vervoersinfrastructuurprojecten. Deze EU-subsidies ontvangen de projecten uit de Connecting Europe Facility (#CEF). #transport https://t.co/SIh56Qme4a
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNL/status/1671857531008720897
📢Abierta la convocatoria #CEF para movilidad dual que ayudará adaptar las infraestructuras de transporte de la UE 🇪🇺 a un uso civil y de defensa 🚅✈️
RT @cinea_EU: 🇪🇺✍️‼️🔛 Call is open!!
#CEFTransport is making €790 M available for projects with dual #civilian & #defence use!
#EU continues to support key transport #infrastructure improvements to facilitate the mobility of military assets across the TEN-T network
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/isabeldemuel/status/1654423682209521665
#CEF #CEFTransport #civilian #defence #EU #infrastructure
RT @port_santander: 👷♂️👏👏👏Gracias a todos aquellos que habéis participado en la obra de construcción del nuevo Muelle de Maliaño 1-4.
Aquí os dejamos un video que muestra la evolución de los trabajos en tiempo récord 💪
#APS @f_martingallego @PuertosEstado #GNL #CEFTransport #cef #CINEA_EU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1635688376740327438
#APS #gnl #CEFTransport #CEF #CINEA_EU
📣#CEFEnergy update:
A total of 3⃣ proposals were submitted under the first call for studies & works for cross-border #RenewableEnergy projects.
The total EU contribution requested as #CEF support is €43.5 million for an indicative available call budget of €30 million.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1630490873686310914
#CEFEnergy #renewableenergy #CEF
Reunión de la #CEF del @PSOE en Ferraz.
Los servicios públicos de calidad son clave para construir una clase media robusta.
Cualquier intento de desmantelamiento del sistema público de salud por parte de las CCAA contará con nuestro rechazo frontal.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/J_MorenoSanchez/status/1625124856193859591
🗨️"Smarter, greener & seamless connectivity for all transport modes is a core area of #HorizonEurope. But innovation should not stop at R&I projects. In CINEA, we also support deployment with #CEF and #InnovationFund programmes." @DirkBeckersEU
RT @DirkBeckersEU: 🔴 Speaking NOW at @TRA_Conference!
I stress the importance of EU funding under #CEFTransport #H2020Transport #HorizonEUTransport in suppor…
#TRA2022 #HorizonEurope #CEF #InnovationFund #Horizon2020Transport #CEFTransport #H2020Transport #HorizonEUTransport
[DOGAĐANJE] #KucaEurope
Počela je 3. radionica Europske koordinacije jezičnih resursa #ELRC u Zagrebu koju su otvorili:
👤Marko Tadić #FilozofskiFakultet @SveucilisteZG
👤Lidija Suman, zamjenica DT @rddgovhr
👤@AndreaCovic, voditeljica 🗞🎙📺u #EKHrvatska
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1592441502701334528
#KucaEurope #ELRC #FilozofskiFakultet #EKHrvatska #CEF
Der #Rhein-#Donau-Korridor ist eine wichtige Ost-West Verbindung in Europa. Mit der Aufnahme würde das Schienennetz durch die Connecting Europe Facility gefördert. Die Elektrifizierung würde mehr Güter und Menschen auf die Schiene bringen und das Klima schonen #CEF #Bahn #EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IsmailErtug/status/1592087282412318721
RT @rvc_cr: Projekt "Úprava ohlaví plavební komory Hořín" získal titul STAVBA ROKU 2022!
Byl součástí komplexního projektu "Zvýšení parametrů Vltavské vodní cesty" a spolufinancován Nástrojem Evropské unie pro propojení Evropy @ZEK_Praha
#plavba #vodni_cesty #vodni_doprava #CEF #SFDI
#plavba #vodni_cesty #vodni_doprava #CEF #SFDI
At #EURegionsWeek, together with @EUinmyRegion we present how JASPERS helps national authorities, regions & cities facing the challenges of the green and digital transition by developing sustainable investments under #CohesionPolicy, #JustTransition & #CEF https://bit.ly/3s55n4F
#EURegionsWeek #CohesionPolicy #JustTransition #CEF
Gratulujeme Plavební komoře Hořín k ocenění! 🎊 Těší nás, že prostředky EU v ČR dlouhodobě podporují kvalitní infrastrukturní projekty i projekty kulturního dědictví. Na PK Hořín šlo z unijního programu #CEF 200 milionů Kč.
RT @StredoceskyK: Byly oceněny stavby Středočeského kraje
Cenou Stavba roku ST kraje 2022 se může pyšnit Plavební komora Hořín (více zde https://stavbaroku.cz/printDetail.do?Dispatch=ShowDetail&siid=2171&coid=11…
For all interested in waterborne transport innovation 🛳️✨don’t miss #CINEA’s @gharala presenting #EU opportunities at SMMfair. Find out how to apply and what's in it for you! #HorizonEU #CEF #Innovationfund #EMFAF #EUGreenDeal
📍Today 15:45 EC Stand 203
#CINEA #EU #HorizonEU #CEF #InnovationFund #EMFAF #EUGreenDeal
In April, the #EU, #USA & other partners proposed a Declaration for the Future of the Internet. Discover how the Connecting Europe Facility (#CEF) finances #OpenData projects that support a trusted #Internet.
Read our news piece 👉 https://data.europa.eu/en/news/declaration-future-internet-public-open-data
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_opendata/status/1565648236559618048
#EU #USA #CEF #opendata #internet
RT @Transelectrica: On the site of the Cernavodă - Stâlpu OHL, a complex project, co-financed through the Connecting Europe Facility mechanism, we continue the work on the crossing of the Borcea Arm with the conductors.
RT @Transelectrica: The 400 kV Cernavodă-Stâlpu OHL is a project co-financed through the Connecting Europe Facility (#CEF) mechanism, with a non-refundable value of 27 mil euros. The works are moving towards the next stage: the crossing of the Danube, a very complex one.