abstract from "School Food Policy Affects Everyone: Retail Responses to the National School Lunch Program" by #JessieHandbury & #SarahMoshary in #NBER:
"We study the private market response to the National School Lunch Program, documenting economically meaningful spillovers to non-recipients. We focus on the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), an expansion of the lunch program under the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. Under the CEP, participating schools offer free lunch to all students. We leverage both the staggered roll-out and eligibility criterion for the CEP, which is limited to schools where at least 40% of students participate in other means-tested welfare programs. We find that local adoption of the CEP causes households with children to reduce their grocery purchases, leading to a 10% decline in grocery sales at large retail chains. Retailers respond with chain-level price adjustments: chains with the most exposure lower prices by 2.5% across all outlets in the years following adoption, so that the program's welfare benefits propagate spatially. Using a stylized model of grocery demand, we estimate that, by 2016, the indirect benefit had reduced grocery costs for the median household by approximately 4.5%."
#SchoolLunch #CEP #GroceryCosts #retailers #groceries #WorkingPaper #CommunityEligibilityProvision #NationalBureauOfEconomicResearch
#jessiehandbury #sarahmoshary #NBER #schoollunch #CEP #grocerycosts #retailers #groceries #workingpaper #communityeligibilityprovision #nationalbureauofeconomicresearch
Gut durch Krisen zu kommen, scheint die einzig verbliebene Ambition zu sein. Es ist nicht mal eine, sondern in Wahrheit die größtmögliche Bequemlichkeit einer Gesellschaft."
Berliner Ordnungsruf #3/2023, #CEP, #Lehrkräfte, #Schule, #Bildung
#bildung #Schule #lehrkrafte #CEP
Denn in einer Polykrise geht es nicht um stabile Zustände, sondern um stabile Pfade der Veränderung zu einem weniger krisenanfälligen Gleichgewicht. Um Widersprüche und Widerstände in der Polykrise zu überwinden, gilt es, die Gegenwart aus einer besseren #Zukunft zu betrachten, nicht die Zukunft aus einer blockierten Gegenwart."
TV| El Mostrador en La Clave: actualidad económica; encuesta #CEP; elección de #ÁngelValencia como #FiscalNacional; e indultos del Presidente #Boric
#Boric #fiscalnacional #angelvalencia #CEP
Encuesta #CEP y evaluación al Gobierno del Presidente #Boric: 24% aprueba su gestión y 61% la desaprueba
Boletus edulis #cep #porcini #pennybun #mushrooms #fungi #mushroomphotography #fungiphotography #fungiofmastodon #perthshire #Scotland
#scotland #perthshire #fungiofmastodon #fungiphotography #mushroomphotography #fungi #mushrooms #pennybun #porcini #CEP
This is the #SocialWorkUK #CEP list to date, there are 32 of us. Not bad going to say we started this Saturday afternoon. Hopefully if you click the link above you can see who we are
First list find and follow, let's build a #community
#SocialWorkUk #CEP I'm trying to compile a list so that we can follow each other and build a community here. If you see this and this applies to you, follow and let me know and once I've half a dozen or so I will publish the list
Quaranta professori polacchi in visita alla scuola del CEP #08Ottobre #Palermo #cep #palermo #polonia #professori #scuola https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmxvZ3NpY2lsaWEuaXQvcGFsZXJtby9xdWFyYW50YS1wcm9mZXNzb3JpLXBvbGFjY2hpLXZpc2l0YS83ODU2NDcv.html
#scuola #professori #polonia #CEP #palermo #08Ottobre