
Canberra 25% Cf’d from 241:

And this is only CloudFlare, imagine when we factor in all of CAGEFAM.

Visit the above and see the CloudFlare infiltration in your town.

So just like you take the time to buy foods without toxic, herbicide-sprayed and laden and , or traces of heavy metals, why not check for traces of harmful in your — and warn them.

#GMSoy #pesticide #canola #corn #technology #LocalCommunity #canberra #community #CFFreeDirectory

Last updated 2 years ago

We know 's takeover of the internet is bad, but how bad is it really?

What percentage of banks in your area are CF'd?

You want a potential suiter to choose a resturant for a date but you don't want them to choose one that sends visitor data to the . What to do?

Send them to this . It uses and puts CF businesses last — where they put you!

Only on Tor, requires JS:


#cloudflare #dotcon #CFFreeDirectory #openstreetmaps

Last updated 2 years ago