„Ehe die Menschen lernten, Gedanken zu produzieren, kamen die Gedanken zu ihnen“. (C. G. Jung)
"Wenn es nicht schon vor dem Urknall Gedanken (Bewusstsein) gegeben hat und erst danach, können wir jede Hoffnung fahren lassen." (Holm Tetens, Wissenschaftstheoretiker)
"Ich denke, also bin ich". (Descartes)
Ab da beginnt im Produzieren von Gedanken die Einkerkerung der Welt im eigenen Ich.
Und nun geht es noch weiter, denn bald gilt: So wie ich mich fühle, bin ich. Wahrheit muss jetzt verletzten Gefühlen weichen.
Die Welt kreist um winzige Minderheiten und ihren Gefühlen. Die Welt strebt von der Anthropozentrik zur Egozentrik.
#CGJung #holmtetens #descartes #egozentrik #moralismus
Neurosis is ... being at war with oneself. Everything that accentuates this ... makes the patient worse, and everything that mitigates it tends to heal the patient. What drives people to war with themselves is the ... knowledge that they consist of two persons in opposition.... The conflict may be between the sensual and the spiritual man, or between the ego and the shadow. It is what Faust means ...: "Two souls, alas, dwell in my breast apart."
#CGJung #quotes #individuation #wholeness
What intelligence(s) and genius really are. Taking off my academic hat, I speak from direct experience about characteristics of life that AI can never have. Download the illustrated essay if you like from Humanities Commons: https://hcommons.org/deposits/download/hc:50812/CONTENT/intelligence_and_genius.pdf
@religidons @religion @philosophy
#intelligence #intelligences #genius #AI #life #creativity #consciousness #insight #universe #philosophy #psychology #mysticism #nature #Buddhism #Japan #HowardGardner #CGJung #AlanWatts
#intelligence #intelligences #genius #ai #life #creativity #consciousness #insight #universe #philosophy #psychology #mysticism #nature #buddhism #japan #howardgardner #CGJung #alanwatts
"If our religion is based on salvation, our chief emotions will be fear and trembling. If our religion is based on wonder, our chief emotion will be gratitude." - #CGJung
h/t @Sophiacycles
so many people start looking into the depths and immediately are distracted by ego fantasies
conquering, winning, succeeding, controlling, knowing what will happen, being effective, optimizing - these are all ego fantasies
that's not what shadow work or dream work are about
to the ego, going into the depths feels *awful*
"every experience of the self is a defeat for the ego" - #CGJung
"Theories in #psychology are the very devil. It is true that we need certain points of view for their orienting and heuristic value: but they should always be regarded as mere auxiliary concepts that can be laid aside at any time." - #CGJung
for someone who wants to go deeper into analytic (Jungian) #psychology than Man and His Symbols, there are 3 good options, where someone has attempted to integrate and synthesize the approach into a broad and deep introduction:
The Symbolic Quest, Edward Whitmont
Boundaries of the Soul, June Singer
Jung's Map of the Soul, Murray Stein
depending on your personality, you will probably like one of these and dislike the other two, so try reading a sample before buying
now and then someone asks me what's a good introduction to analytic (Jungian) #psychology
Man and His Symbols was specifically written to introduce a general audience to Jung's psychology, by Jung and a few of his closest associates
Jung's chapter in the book, one of the last things he wrote before he died, is possibly his best writing