🌻SAVE THE DATE: Wie gehen wir in #Europa mit der Gefahr durch Ewigkeitschemikalien #PFAS um? Gemeinsam mit den Expertinnen von #Chemtrust spreche ich am 30.05. um 18 Uhr und Euch darüber was gerade in der #EU diskutiert wird. Weitere Infos folgen.🌻
Our aim is to prevent synthetic #chemicals including harmful #hormone/#endocrine disruptors #EDCs from causing long term damage to #wildlife & #humans, by ensuring that #ToxicChemicals such as #PFAS, #ForeverChemicals, #BPA, & #Phthalates are substituted with #SaferAlternatives
#CHEMTrust shares news about #environmental issues and #health concerns from #hazardous #chemical #pollution and what needs to be done to ensure EU & UK #EnvironmentalPolicy delivers strong #regulation
#introduction #chemicals #hormone #EDCs #wildlife #humans #toxicchemicals #pfas #ForeverChemicals #BPA #Phthalates #SaferAlternatives #CHEMTrust #environmental #health #hazardous #chemical #pollution #environmentalpolicy #regulation
My #introduction:
A #scientist by background, but working on #environmentalpolicy for over 20 years, particularly #EUPolicy on #chemicals, #waste and #sustainability
My work includes #advocacy, #scicomm, #collaborating with #GreenNGOs, #academics, #policymakers & coping with #IndustryLobbying
Exec Dir #CHEMTrust, earlier worked 2x at #FriendsoftheEarth
Based #London #UK but focus on #EU level, so know #Brexit
first hand!
Have lived in #Brussels, #Glasgow, #Edinburgh, #York, #Boston
#cyclist #boston #york #edinburgh #glasgow #brussels #brexit #eu #uk #london #FriendsoftheEarth #CHEMTrust #IndustryLobbying #policymakers #academics #GreenNGOs #collaborating #scicomm #advocacy #sustainability #waste #chemicals #EUPolicy #environmentalpolicy #scientist #introduction