RT @airburst95@twitter.com
It was only a matter of time, protesters are now face to face with cops on Broadway & Pine
#chopcomms #seattleprotestcomms #seattleprotests #seattle #chopseattle #defundspd #JennyGottaGo #BlackLivesMatter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/airburst95/status/1278962258358366208
#blacklivesmatter #JennyGottaGo #DefundSPD #CHOPseattle #seattle #seattleprotests #seattleprotestcomms #CHOPcomms
RT @deptofbioregion@twitter.com
Police at #CHOP say they can keep roads closed for 10 days. ID's required. All businesses inside are closed because supply trucks cannot get in or out. Seems like rather than remove chop, it's just changed hands. And they've solidified the border. #CHOPcomms #seattleprotests
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/deptofbioregion/status/1278920068479377409
#seattleprotests #CHOPcomms #chop