Was #Austria's Constitutional Court right in denying #OPEC #immunity from the jurisdiction of Austrian courts? Elizaveta Samoilova (Uni Graz) unpacks how the decision deals with relevant #CIL on this issue. https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/immunity-of-international-organisations-discarded/
Looking forward to chairing the #CIL #s106 #infrastructureLevy masterclass. An opportunity to try and gain insight into what the future of #developercontribution might be and to hear about those with CIL that are keeping calm and carrying on - maybe even some brave enough to be developing a CIL or updating it. The IL may be sometime off. https://waterfront.eventscase.com/EN/CIL22
#CIL #s106 #infrastructureLevy #developercontribution
#DoctorWho - Space and Time (Extended)
#DrWho #Who #SpaceAndTime #CIL #ChildrenInNeed #DoctorWhoSpecial #AmyAndRory #AmyPond #Rory
#rory #amypond #amyandrory #doctorwhospecial #childreninneed #CIL #Spaceandtime #who #drwho #doctorwho
Das Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum #CIL der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ist die bedeutendste Sammlung antiker lateinischer Inschriften.
Gefördert durchs #NeustartKultur-Programm der Bundesbeauftragen für Kultur & Medien wurden Gelatinefolien und Zinkographen digitalisiert – über 2600 Datensätze sind jetzt über unser Portal abrufbar:
Foto: Zinkograph von 1899 zur Beschriftung einer Amphore