Oh, look, Evangelicals!
It’s Satan’s anus displaying a copy of the Bible!
#DonaldTrump #SatansAnus #CINO #FakeChristian #Bible
#bible #fakechristian #CINO #satansanus #DonaldTrump
This is performance art for the GOP’s “Christian” (in name only) White nationalist base. Yes, he’s pandering to a flock of charlatans who also happen to be idiots. That’s correct: the audiences that feed from the trash troughs of Fox, OAN, Newsmax, and the like.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #MAGA #ChristianInNameOnly #CINO #PosersInPiety #PerformativeBullshit #TrumpPerformanceArt #TrumpAdministration
#trumpadministration #trumpperformanceart #performativebullshit #posersinpiety #CINO #christianinnameonly #MAGA #Trump #DonaldTrump
#Evangelicals #DonaldTrump #ChristiansInNameOnly #CINO #ToHellWithEvangelicals
#tohellwithevangelicals #CINO #christiansinnameonly #DonaldTrump #evangelicals
You preach about virtues while promoting and voting for vice incarnate. What a flock of hypocrites you are, posers in piety. You’re not sheep; you’re shitheads who haven’t got a prayer. Yes, you’re ungodly assholes. May you burn in the very “hell” you claim to fear.
#Evangelicals #UgodlyAssholes #ChristianInNameOnly #CINO #ChristianNationalism #WhiteNationalism #Republicans #GOP
#gop #republicans #whitenationalism #ChristianNationalism #CINO #christianinnameonly #ugodlyassholes #evangelicals
White “Christian” nationalists:
With regard to whether you should support Trump, ask yourselves that good question:
“What would Jesus do?”
He’d whip Trump’s ass. That’s EXACTLY what he’d do. Now, rebuke the sinner, or enjoy your eternity in hell. You’ve been praising Satan, you knuckleheads.
#WhiteChristianNationalists #ChristianNationalists #CINO #DonaldTrump
#DonaldTrump #CINO #christiannationalists #whitechristiannationalists
White Christian nationalists are now comparing Trump’s “torture” to “what Jesus Christ went through to save us. President Trump is our savior in this country.” Seriously? Well, in that case, I’m looking forward to Good Friday.
I know: that wasn’t very “Christian” of me. Being an atheist, I’m good that.
#CheetoJesus #TrumpIsNoChrist #TrumpIsNoChristian #Trump #Jesus #GoodFriday #CINO
#CINO #goodfriday #jesus #Trump #trumpisnochristian #trumpisnochrist #CheetoJesus
Neither of them has a prayer.
#MikePence #DonaldTrump #MAGA #ImpiousPosers #CINO #FauxChristians
#fauxchristians #CINO #impiousposers #MAGA #DonaldTrump #mikepence
Republicans aren’t only faux Christians; they’re true Christians’ foes.
If you’re a Republican, you’re no Christian. Calling yourself one doesn’t make you one. That’s a fact. “Republican Christ” is a punchline. That’s another fact.
#Trump #Pence #MAGA #FauxChristians #CINO #FakeChristians #ReligiousHypocrites #religion #evangelicals
#evangelicals #Religion #religioushypocrites #fakechristians #CINO #fauxchristians #MAGA #pence #Trump
I’ve no idea why Republicans dare to celebrate Christmas. Had Mary and Joseph arrived in “MAGA” America while seeking asylum, their newborn child would’ve locked in a cage, and they’d have been deported — but not before Trump groped Mary and bragged about it.
#GOP #MAGA #Christmas #CINO #ChristianInNameOnly #hypocrisy
#hypocrisy #christianinnameonly #CINO #Christmas #MAGA #gop