Using Dart Sass with Hugo: taking it easy
Thanks to the speed and power of Hugo Pipes, I lose little or nothing in opting for the Node.js version of Sass.
#WebDev #Hugo #StaticSiteGenerators #Sass #SCSS #NodeJS #CI_CD #DartSass #GitHubActions #GitLabCICD
#GitLabCICD #GitHubActions #dartsass #CI_CD #NodeJS #scss #sass #staticsitegenerators #hugo #WebDev
A nerdy tip for those static website maintainers who might find it useful...
If you like to link to a page’s most recent Git commit (e.g., using `.GitInfo` in Hugo), the only way you can reliably get that page’s latest commit and not the **site’s** latest commit appears to be by using CI/CD rather than the host’s native UI.
#CI_CD #Git #StaticWebsites #WebDev #themoreyouknow
Great blogpost on saving money when using GitHub Actions for iOS CI/CD, especially if you have a need the MacOS based runners!