:mastodance: Endlich sind wir auch von der nationalen Initiative @Mintzukunft zertifiziert als DIGITALE SCHULE. 🎉
Ich freue mich, dass über die Würdigung unserer Arbeit durch das Netzwerk.
Damit ist die CJD Christophorusschule in Braunschweig eine von 18 Schulen in Niedersachsen, die sich dieses Jahr mit mir freuen dürfen!
Jetzt schon mein #wowdw 😁
#wowdw #MINTbegeistert #informatikEdu #digitaleschule #CJD
oh boyos . i cant keep up with all these happenings
#enjoythedecline #collapse #vaids #lowiq #cjd #corruptvoters
#EnjoyTheDecline #collapse #vaids #lowiq #CJD #corruptvoters
@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @zebuceta oh boyos . better invest in the souls market #vaids #cjd #enjoythedecline
they really want my uncut ,unvaxxed , uncucked , uncommie pureblood. @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey literallly winning against bilions of dollars of propaganda and they still wont stop .. ez gg.#vaids #cjd
they have already won hence admission
#vaids #heartattack #aids #cjd #cancer
#vaids #heartattack #aids #CJD #cancer
RT @calhi415: It's not always just about viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Some "abnormal" proteins can threat animals and human health and deserve our attention and joint efforts. Learn more on our brand new story map @EFSA_EU #TSE #CWD #CJD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFSA_EU/status/1598341113345105921
Studies Link Incurable #Prion Disease w COVID-19 Vaccine
The COVID-19 vaccine may have contributed to the emergence of a new type of sporadic #CJD disease that is a lot more aggressive & rapid in disease progression as compared to traditional CJD