What is #CKBunker?
It’s a #python program to operate COLDCARD in #HSMMode for automatically signing transactions: https://ckbunker.com
What is the @Coinkite Bunker? #CKBunker
It’s a python program that you run on a computer attached to your CC that it will operate in “HSM Mode” where it signs without a human pressing the OK key: https://ckbunker.com
RT @vicariousdrama
@notgrubles @Blockstream @COLDCARDwallet I love ckbunker and frankly surprised that no other hardware wallet competes here
You can use #CKBunker with #raspblitz find instructions here https://openoms.github.io/bitcoin-tutorials/ckbunker_on_blitz.html
RT @21isenough
Quarantine-things 🔥
What are you up to in your bunker?
In mine, I'm running #CKBunker with my @COLDCARDwallet on a RaspberryPi 3 - natively connected over @torproject.
What a fantastic piece of software 😍
Use your Valentines Day to upgrade your Bitcoin Security by running your own co-sign service HSM with #CKBUNKER & COLDCARD
[nerdy content alert]
Part 1 https://youtu.be/UVcnVb41NWQ
Use your Valentines Day to upgrade your Bitcoin Security by running your own co-sign service HSM with #CKBUNKER & COLDCARD
[nerdy content alert]
Part 1 https://youtu.be/UVcnVb41NWQ
RT @openoms
The #ckbunker makes your little Linux server at home to be a feature rich HSM accessible over LAN and Tor.
Mind-blowingly easy to setup, see how to do it on a #RaspiBlitz:
Comment if you like to see it as a feature in the menu: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/1062
RT @21isenough@twitter.com
Quarantine-things 🔥
What are you up to in your bunker?
In mine, I'm running #CKBunker with my @COLDCARDwallet@twitter.com on a RaspberryPi 3 - natively connected over @torproject@twitter.com.
What a fantastic piece of software 😍
The #ckbunker makes your little Linux server at home to be a feature rich HSM accessible over LAN and Tor.
Mind-blowingly easy to setup, see how to do it on a #RaspiBlitz:
Comment if you like to see it as a feature in the menu: https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/1062
RT @openoms@twitter.com
@zndtoshi@twitter.com @joinmarket@twitter.com That remains the usual hot wallet setup for now, but if @joinmarket@twitter.com could be made to communicate in PSBT-s, there could be something great coming out of it being combined with the @COLDCARDwallet@twitter.com HSM mode and #CKBunker.