Huch, wo ist denn im aktuellen #mmb Trendmonitor das #CLC @CLC hin? WIr waren die letzten Jahre doch immer auf Platz 2 oder 3 ... jetzt tauchen wir nicht mehr auf?
RT @CopernicusLand: Lovely article on land use in the UK, and an inspiring example of #CLMS data #visualization!
Happy to see our products help make (geo-)information accessible to the wider audiences.
#CLMS #visualization #DataViz #CLC
RT @CopernicusLand: CORINE Land Cover (#CLC) is expanding beyond Copernicus!
It will be implemented for the EU’s Eastern Partnership Countries as part of the EU4Environment project, to benefit policies in the domains of #agriculture, #ecosystems & spatial planning.
L'ululato è uno dei versi più affascinanti del mondo animale. Sono stato fortunato ad ascoltarlo dal vivo, un'esperienza pazzesca che mi ha regalato #brividi intensi!
The howling is one of the most fascinating verses of the #animal world. I was lucky to hear it live, a crazy experience that gave me intense chills!
#natgeo #wolf #lupo #nature #natura #wild #clc #bnw #ululato #howling #4dicembre #mastodon #portrait #ritratto #photography #foto #bosco
#brividi #animal #stefanomariglianiphotography #natgeo #wolf #lupo #nature #natura #wild #CLC #bnw #ululato #howling #4dicembre #mastodon #portrait #ritratto #photography #foto #bosco
L'ululato è uno dei versi più affascinanti del mondo animale. Sono stato fortunato ad ascoltarlo dal vivo, un'esperienza pazzesca che mi ha regalato #brividi intensi!
The howling is one of the most fascinating verses of the #animal world. I was lucky to hear it live, a crazy experience that gave me intense chills!
#natgeo #wolf #lupo #nature #natura #wild #clc #bnw #ululato #howling #4dicembre #mastodon #portrait #ritratto #photography #foto #bosco #biancoenero
#brividi #animal #stefanomariglianiphotography #natgeo #wolf #lupo #nature #natura #wild #CLC #bnw #ululato #howling #4dicembre #mastodon #portrait #ritratto #photography #foto #bosco #biancoenero
@sdueckert @khpape Wie schön, dass Du hier bist … und dass es jetzt eine eigene #clc Instanz gibt! Herzlich willkommen!
Die Corporate Learning Community startet eine eigene Instanz im Fediverse
@ebinger Vielen Dank, das lese ich mir sehr aufmerksam durch. @sdueckert hatte auf Events der #clc #Minetest genutzt, aber leider hatte ich nie die Gelegenheit, mitzuwirken …
RT @CopernicusEU: #DYK?
@CopernicusLand product portfolio includes many products useful to monitor #EUbiodiversity
For example, 🌳the CORINE Land Cover #CLC provides detailed information on the biophysical characteristics of the 🌍 land surface
➡️Explore it at
RT @CopernicusEU: #DYK?
@CopernicusLand product portfolio includes many products useful to monitor #EUbiodiversity
For example, 🌳the CORINE Land Cover #CLC provides detailed information on the biophysical characteristics of the 🌍 land surface
➡️Explore it at
@CopernicusLand product portfolio includes many products useful to monitor #EUbiodiversity
For example, 🌳the CORINE Land Cover #CLC provides detailed information on the biophysical characteristics of the 🌍 land surface
➡️Explore it at
Kennt jemand aus meinem Netzwerk Institutionen, die einer Ukrainischen Mutter, die in Berlin lebt, dabei unterstützt, ihre Kinder aus Czernowitz (30km von Rumänien entfernt) ohne aktuellen Reisepass nach Berlin zu bringen?
#standwithukraine #CLC #MeinZiel22
Gerne teilen
#StandWithUkraine #CLC #MeinZiel22
So cool to see the progress of So many great features are in the making…
🎉5⃣ new #collections added to #SentinelHub!
👉 All collections can be found on the Sentinel Hub Public Collections registry or directly visualized in #EOBrowser under #Copernicus Services.
#PPI #LAI #NDVI #CLC #CLMS #Copernicus #EOBrowser #SentinelHub #collections