Teresa MacKinnon is an educator working in the #ePortfolio #OER #OpenRecognition space. Find out why she's created her professional #CMALT portfolio in #Mahara and how it upholds her professional values in our latest episode of 'Create. Share. Engage.' available on all podcast networks and https://podcast.mahara.org
#eportfolio #oer #openrecognition #CMALT #mahara
Here are are some hashtags I write things about - #HigherEd #MOOC #Learning #Leadership #EdTech #eLearning #CMALT #altc #Universities #DistanceLearning #OnlineLearning #EdTechBook #EdTechRations #SelfPublishing #Motivation #LearningTechnology etc etc
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#highered #mooc #learning #leadership #edtech #elearning #CMALT #altc #universities #DistanceLearning #onlinelearning #EdTechBook #EdTechRations #selfpublishing #motivation #LearningTechnology