To the surprise of absolutely no-one who has been following the scientific literature...
"Weakened evidence for mid-latitude impacts of Arctic warming" in #NatureClimateChange.
It was brilliant to have @polar_james in to the #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp to discuss this exact theme ...
#Arctic #ClimateChange
#climatechange #arctic #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp #natureclimatechange
An introduction to #IASC from #LiseLotteSørensen - these guys were key in getting our #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp going with additional funding that covered our accommodation costs. #Denmqrl nominates 2 members for each WG
#internationalarcticsciencecommittee #denmqrl #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp #liselottesorensen #iasc
Going back to more #dataAnalysis stuff - who wants to learn to use #XArray and #Pangeo? Apparently this was left over from the #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp (see birdsite for more on that #) but I shared it with student the other day and this really is a nice introduction to the tools..
#CMIP6ArcticBootcamp #Pangeo #xarray #dataanalysis
Anyone here ever #publishing on the EU platform #OpenResearchEurope ? It looks like a really interesting concept and I like the philosophy but we do unfortunately still #science in a world of #ImpactFactors.
I have a publication in preparation (resulting from the #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp - see the birdsite), and it looks like a good platform but I don't see a lot of #climate or #CMIP6 stuff in there ..? #help
#help #CMIP6 #Climate #CMIP6ArcticBootcamp #ImpactFactors #science #OpenResearchEurope #publishing