In Scalability First Approach, EeroQ Achieves Tape-Out of Its ‘Wonder Lake’ Chip #Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #chip_design #CMOS #EeroQ #helium #science #Wonder_Lake #quantumdaily Insider Brief EeroQ achieves take-out of new chip at US semiconductor foundry. The company uses a helium approach for its quantum processor design. Ultimately, the company says this is a huge leap toward a quantum computer design that is powerful, small and scalable. I
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Research #chip_design #CMOS #EeroQ #helium #Science #Wonder_Lake #quantumdaily
TRUMPF Venture Invests in Quantum Technology Startup Quside #Capital_Markets #CMOS #photonic #photonic_chip #Quside #random_number_generator #Spain #TRUMPF_Ventures #quantumdaily Insider Brief TRUMPF Venture announces a multimillion euro investment in Quside. TRUMPF announced that it led a round in Quside late last autumn. Quside develops high-performance random number generators within photonic chips. Quside is based in Castelldefels near Barcelona and
#Capital_Markets #CMOS #photonic #photonic_chip #Quside #random_number_generator #Spain #TRUMPF_Ventures #quantumdaily
I just read this article about #capitalization (or not) of the definite article "the." I must say that they are not making it easy on us.
In #Danish, we don't have this issue. We don't have a definite article like "the." We add the indefinite article to the ending of the word to make it definite.
For example: En bog -> bogen (a book -> the book)
That's a lot easier!
The article is from the #CMOS #blog - a blog worth following for anyone writing in #English.
#english #blog #CMOS #danish #Capitalization