On a un nouveau système de réservation pour nos missions au #CNRS et on se marre grave 🤡
Recent Paper Claims Quantum Radar that Performs 20% Better than a Classical Radar https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2356532 #Insights #Research #CNRS #Ecole_Normale_Supérieure_de_Lyon #france #Nature_Physics #Quantum_radar #quantumdaily In the ever-evolving world of quantum technology, researchers are relentless in their pursuit of the coveted “quantum advantage” over classical computing methods. Leveraging the remarkable principles of quantum mechanics, a diverse array of quantum technologies h
#Insights #Research #CNRS #Ecole_Normale_Supérieure_de_Lyon #france #Nature_Physics #Quantum_radar #quantumdaily
French National Quantum Update: June 2023 https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2356142 #National #CNRS #DistriQ #Ecole_Polytechnique #france #French_Quantum_National_Report #JeanNoël_Barrot #June_2023 #Pascale_Senellart #Quandela #Quantonation #quantumdaily Executive Summary Quantum researchers and entrepreneurs have demonstrated their global leadership in several key areas during June. France Quantum 2023 was a showcase of quantum technology talent in the country. The event centered on how French
#National #CNRS #DistriQ #Ecole_Polytechnique #france #French_Quantum_National_Report #JeanNoël_Barrot #June_2023 #Pascale_Senellart #Quandela #Quantonation #quantumdaily
C'est au tour de la présentation de @lvaudor qui fait un retour sur son parcours et ses réalisations.
Ingénieure agronome, elle a été recrutée au #CNRS après sa thèse en écologie/statistiques notamment grâce à ses compétences en #R.
Elle intervient en soutien à la recherche et fait beaucoup de formation continue. Notamment auprès d'un public doctorant tRaumatisé.
D'où son blog Ratique et tout le contenu visant à démocratiser R.
C'est au tour de la présentation de @lvaudor qui fait un retour sur son parcours et ses réalisations.
Ingénieure agronome, elle a été recrutée au #CNRS après sa thèse en écologie/statistiques notamment grâce à ses compétences en #R.
Elle intervient en soutien à la recherche et fait beaucoup de formation continue. Notamment auprès d'un public doctorant tRaumatisé.
D'où son blog Ratique et tout le contenu visant à démocratiser R.
Conseil scientifique du CNRS : Livre blanc préliminaire sur les entraves à la recherche, Focus « entraves administratives »
🧑🏫 D. Mazza and @thomasseiller from @LipnLab are co-organizing the EPIT 2023 school, jointly with J. Ochremiak from Labri and S. Perifel from IRIF.
🎉 It will mark the 50th edition of this series of research schools and will reunite in a single event as many different takes on computational complexity as can reasonably be fit in one week.
📅12-16 June, ⛵️ île d'Oléron
🔗 Registration is open! https://epit2023.sciencesconf.org/
#complexity #computerscience #researchschool #cnrs
#complexity #computerscience #researchschool #CNRS
Laure Petrucci and Carlos Olarte are visiting the Institute of Computer Science (IPI-PAN) in Warsaw, as members of the MoSART International Emerging Action funded by #CNRS.
The MoSART project (Model-checking Strategic Abilities of Real-Time Asynchronous Agents) aims at defining a novel framework that not only integrates agents and time in the systems models and in the logics for expressing properties, but also provides automated analysis as well as system and strategy synthesis capabilities.
#Emploi 👩💻🧑💻▶️
recrute un·e data-scientiste (H/F) pour le
. Venez nous rejoindre ! Profil de poste et candidature sur
: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UAR3598-ARIALL-026/Default.aspx
#Job #CNRS #OpenScience #OpenData #ScienceOuverte #IA #Python #Jupyter #SHS
#emploi #job #CNRS #openscience #OpenData #scienceouverte #ia #python #jupyter #shs
Adeline Nazarenko, Full Professor @LipnLab, has been appointed as the new director for the Computer Science Institute at the CNRS #INS2I #CNRS
👩💻 She's an expert in Automatic Natural Language Processing #NLP, previous team leader at the LIPN and previous director of the Computer Science department.
✨ We wish her much success in her new job!
#PRXQuantum #Physics #Quantum
Editors’ Suggestion: Rapid and high-fidelity single-shot readout of spins is demonstrated by combining scalable fabrication technology, Pauli spin blockade, and rf reflectometry on a single-lead quantum dot. #CNRS
#PRXQuantum #physics #quantum #CNRS
French National Quantum Update: December 2022 https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=1849208 #National #Slider #CNRS #CryptoNext_Security #france #French_National #French_quantum #MosaiQ #Pascale_Senallart #pqc #President_Emmanuel_Macron #Quandela #Qubit_Pharmaceuticals #Siquance #UChicago #quantumdaily Executive Summary As 2022 came to an end and winter settled in, the French quantum community heated up. The ecosystem was busy across all the segments that make up this emerging industry — from govern
#National #Slider #CNRS #CryptoNext_Security #france #French_National #French_quantum #MosaiQ #Pascale_Senallart #pqc #President_Emmanuel_Macron #Quandela #Qubit_Pharmaceuticals #Siquance #UChicago #quantumdaily
New French Start-Up Siquance Targets Commercial Quantum Computing https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=1621638 #Quantum_Computing_Business #CEA #CNRS #CNRSUniversité_Paris_Saclay #JeanPhilippe_Bourgoin #Maud_Vinet #Siquance #quantumdaily Insider Brief Siquance, a new startup based in Grenoble, France, aims to develop and commercialize a quantum computer built on advanced microelectronics technology. CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission dedicated to research of scienti
#Quantum_Computing_Business #CEA #CNRS #CNRSUniversité_Paris_Saclay #JeanPhilippe_Bourgoin #Maud_Vinet #Siquance #quantumdaily
The legal texts fixing the number of open #CNRS positions open for the next hiring competition is out.
For junior (CR) positions, in the sections I am involved in:
- section 06: 8 positions with 4 prioritary themes (« cybersecurity », « quantum computing », « software science », « eco-responsible information science ») — recommandations here: https://cn6.fr;
- section 53: 3 positions with 1 proprietary theme (« digital transition ») — recommandations here: https://cid53.fr.
The new website of the interdisciplinary committee (CID) 53 of #CoNRS, titled “Science in Society”, is now up and running! Check it out: https://cid53.fr. Among other informations, you will find the document detailing the #CID53 criteria and recommandations for applicants to the #CNRS hiring competition #concoursCNRS.
By the way, open positions for this year’s concours will soon be announced; the website for applicants should open this monday: https://www.cnrs.fr/en/node/7031.
#CoNRS #cid53 #CNRS #concourscnrs
The new website of the interdisciplinary committee (CID) 53 of #CoNRS, titled “Science in Society”, is now up and running! Among other informations, you will find the document detailing the #CID53 criteria and recommandations for applicants to the #CNRS hiring competition #concoursCNRS.
By the way, open positions for this year’s concours will soon be announced; the website for applicants should open this monday: https://www.cnrs.fr/en/node/7031.
#CoNRS #cid53 #CNRS #concourscnrs
This week @CoNRS6 had its Autumn session. We examined 250 requests. Among those, we reviewed more than 100 activity reports of #CNRS researchers in computer science, more than 50 promotion requests, and proposed candidates for bronze and silver @CNRS medals. Though tiring, this was once again the occasion to discover a multitude of fascinating research results. Next week will be CID53’s Autumn session: lighter but equally enriching!
#présentation Le Comité national de la recherche scientifique (ou #CoNRS) est l'organe d'évaluation du #CNRS. Il a notamment pour charge l'évaluation, la promotion et le recrutement des chercheurs CNRS, l'évaluation des structures de recherche CNRS, ainsi que l'établissement d'un rapport de conjoncture.
Le CoNRS est divisé en sections thématiques. Ce compte est celui de la section 6, une large partie de l'informatique. La section comporte 21 membres, dont @PierreSenellart et @thomasseiller.
Hi there! I'm a software engineer at #CNRS / #LAM (Laboratoire d'#astrophysique de Marseille) 🇫🇷.
I currently work on exoplanet characterization for #PLATO (with @AlexSanterne ;)), spectra classification with deep learning for #Euclid, and direct detection of exoplanets with https://github.com/kstacker/kstacker/
Previously I also worked at #CRAL with the great #MUSEVLT instrument, and on the #DRAGONS data reduction software at #GeminiSouth 🇨🇱
#introduction #CNRS #lam #astrophysique #plato #euclid #CRAL #MUSEVLT #dragons #geminisouth