Hay que promover la libre elección del ente asegurador y el cierre de la Caja Nacional de Salud - CNS, la CNS no tiene la capacidad de cumplir con su objetivo de atención de salud a sus asegurados https://www.paginasiete.bo/sociedad/le-dan-cita-medica-a-una-paciente-de-la-cns-para-dentro-de-un-ano-EY8313314 #CNS #Bolivia
Con grande tristezza e amarezza noto che nonostante siano passati mesi (anzi oltre un anno), il team #snap di #Canonical #Ubuntu ancora non ha trovato una soluzione al problema *incredibile* generato DA LORO avendo spostato sotto snap un programma fondamentale come #Firefox, senza verificare che tutto funzionasse . Poi uno si chiede perché la comunità e gli sviluppatori odino SNAP...
#cns #PKCS #smartcard #opensc #CartaNazionaleServizi #lettoresmartcard
#snap #canonical #ubuntu #firefox #CNS #pkcs #smartcard #OpenSC #cartanazionaleservizi #lettoresmartcard
RT @PLOSBiology
Why don't adult mammalian #CNS axons regenerate? This Primer explores two #PLOSBiology papers that reveal a role for S6 kinases RSK1 & RSK2 in the regenerative capacity of mammalian #neurons. Primer: https://plos.io/3mZAPlH Papers: https://plos.io/41gZnpj https://plos.io/3xclrF3
Why don't adult mammalian #CNS axons regenerate? This Primer explores two #PLOSBiology papers that reveal a role for S6 kinases RSK1 & RSK2 in the regenerative capacity of mammalian #neurons. Primer: https://plos.io/3mZAPlH Papers: https://plos.io/41gZnpj https://plos.io/3xclrF3
Why don't adult mammalian #CNS axons regenerate? This Primer explores two #PLOSBiology papers that reveal a role for S6 kinases RSK1 & RSK2 in the regenerative capacity of mammalian #neurons. Primer: https://plos.io/3mZAPlH Papers: https://plos.io/41gZnpj https://plos.io/3xclrF3
β🐦@SUJBofficial@twitter.com (#mutesujb):
Máme to! Sloučená 8. a 9. hodnotící konference Úmluvy o jaderné bezpečnosti #CNS, vedená předsedkyní @DrabovaDana, byla úspěšně ukončena. Nebylo to jednoduché. Hodnotící proces ztížil COVID-19 i válka Ruska proti Ukrajině. Závěrečnou zprávu se ale podařilo přijmout jednomyslně.
We are expecting snow next week, but by June the weather should be perfect.
Don't forget to submit your abstracts for #GEM2023.
Deadline: 15.03.2023
#neuroscience #cns #episodicmemory #memory #mind
#mind #memory #episodicmemory #CNS #neuroscience #gem2023
This should be a fab small computational cognitive neuroscience, philosophy & psychology meeting on Generative Episodic Memory #GEM2023
Abstract deadline 15th March!
#neuroscience #cns #episodicmemory #memory #mind
#mind #memory #episodicmemory #CNS #neuroscience #gem2023
The first indication of a possible link between #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis and #CNS diseases:
“However, one new association was found, with the gene #PDE10A, which is implicated in #CentralNervousSystem diseases, such as #Parkinsons and #Huntingtons disease. This association has never been seen before, and would require replication in a new cohort before its role in #MECFS could be confirmed.“
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CNS #pde10a #centralnervoussystem #Parkinsons #huntingtons #mecfs
@quinta Provati in concreto: #Aruba, #Poste, #Nimirial, #Sielte.
Migliore, secondo me, che tutt'ora uso => senza dubbio #Sielte
Voto: 8,5
Motivazione: ottima procedura di registrazione, di fatto istantanea se si ha già una #CNS attiva (uso la TS/CNS). Backend online molto customizzabile e chiara, app android semplice e chiara, anche se cmq migliorabile (manca qrcode e cmq chiede una volta di troppo "chiudi", ma ho visto che la migliorano di frequente).
Peggiori => Aruba e Poste
#CNS #aruba #Poste #nimirial #sielte
Davvero trovo sconvolgente che dopo UN ANNO di tempo quelli di #Canonical e #Mozilla non abbiano trovato una soluzione per il problema dei PK11 e gli #smartcard reader. Chi usa una #CNS ed è passato a firefox con lo #SNAP ufficiale rifilato da Canonical, ora ha un browser che di fatto non funziona. La cosa sconvolgente è che NESSUNO se ne sta occupando per risolvere una cosa che è a dir poco critica. #Firefox #snap #opensc #pk11
#canonical #mozilla #smartcard #CNS #snap #firefox #OpenSC #pk11
➡️ #Russia has deployed #Radiation Protection Troops (RHBZ) at one of the factories in #Armyansk, #Crimea, according to the National Resistance Center.
It is not yet known what justified the presence of the #RKhBZ troops at the captured enterprise. These can be exercises, or the requirements of the command of the occupying forces. The #CNS urges residents of Armyansk to temporarily refrain from being outdoors.
#CNS #rkhbz #crimea #armyansk #radiation #Russia
So waiting for Dexter to get home. It’s not his back. It’s worse. May be a #CNS issue, in English, a brain issue. If it’s this, we will have to consider doing the humane thing sooner rather than later. I hate to think that. Or that until now no vet in the US raised this. First, we need to taper down his pain killers.
Dogs can have serious brain issues. This could be devastating.
RT @DoctorPAF@twitter.com
Pleased to share our first pre-print.
We looked at the axon death molecule #SARM1 in myelinating #CNS and #PNS #Glia in 🐭and 🐟
Surprisingly we find SARM1 is present & functional in #oligodendrocytes but not in #Schwanncells and #satelliteglia
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DoctorPAF/status/1602284664533966849
#satelliteglia #schwanncells #oligodendrocytes #Glia #pns #CNS #sarm1
EDA #SES Military Aviation Board #ESMAB
Management meeting held last week with #EDA pMS focusing on:
🤝SES reform
📡 #CNS strategy
🧭 Air Aspects of the Strategic Compass
✈️ Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems #RPAS
#EUdefence #StrongerTogether 🇪🇺
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDefenceAgency/status/1584899050159177729
#SES #ESMAB #EDA #CNS #RPAS #EUDefence #StrongerTogether
Call Off the Powerpuff Girls, #CartoonNetwork Confirms It's Not Dead, "Just Turning 30"
Popsugar reports about #Cartoon Network's comment on its death. On Fri and Sat, they tweeted "Y’all we're not dead, we're just turning 30"
I still worry about the restructuring. I think ~s~o~m~e~thing is going to change. But I also want to give the belief-space that the folks still there can keep the culture. And this response -helps- me do that.
#CN #CN30 #CNS #CartoonNetworkStudios
#cartoonnetwork #cartoon #cn #CN30 #CNS #CartoonNetworkStudios
Art by MaiTinCanPengu1 on twitter
#CN #CartoonNetwork #CartoonNetworkStudios #CNS #Animation #Twitter
#cn #cartoonnetwork #CartoonNetworkStudios #CNS #animation #twitter
Tessera sanitaria senza microchip per la crisi, ecco come fare - Il Notiziario #cns #microchip #tesserasanitaria #22agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxub3RpemlhcmlvLm5ldC93cC8yMDIyLzA4LzIyL3Rlc3NlcmEtc2FuaXRhcmlhLXNlbnphLW1pY3JvY2hpcC1wZXItbGEtY3Jpc2ktZWNjby1jb21lLWZhcmUv
#22agosto #tesserasanitaria #microchip #CNS
New Victor and Valentino episodes are going to be aired in June, so here are some promos I did over the last year!
#cartoonnetwork #cns #victorandvalentino #vnv #MastoArt
#MastoArt #vnv #victorandvalentino #CNS #cartoonnetwork